Chapter 1: A New Case

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The calming aroma of coffee wafted through the café, the sophisticated scent intoxicating. He sipped his coffee, then placed the cup back on the round table with one hand. With the other, he turned the delicate page of his newspaper. A certain headline caught his attention: Phantom Thief Strikes Again! Idabashi Catastrophe!

"You've been ignoring us for a while now, Shuichi. What are you reading?" a tall boy asked, tapping the top of the newspaper with a finger. Kaito Momota.

Shuichi looked up. "It's that Phantom Thief again. Look," He passed the newspaper to his friend, "Professor Idabashi's blueprints and the prototype for his new robot were stolen last night."

Kaito scanned the page before handing the paper back with a sigh. "You think they're gonna catch him?"

"No. They've been trying to catch him for months. If they could catch him, they would've already." Maki replied, resting her elbows on the table with a huff. It wasn't news to anyone that Kaito was a blubbering airhead. Part of his charm, one might suggest.

"Yeah... I suppose you're right. This guy is a genius, though." frowned Kaito.

Shuichi pulled his black cap forward. "There's got to be something in particular that they want. They may have a goal. It doesn't make sense."

Maki offered Shuichi an intrigued look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that there's got to be some kind of link between all the thefts or the culprit must have an end goal at least. Why, for months, steal from jewellery shops across the country, and then show up at a high-security laboratory to steal blueprints and a robot prototype? They're completely different things! It doesn't add up." Shuichi took another sip of his coffee in frustration. This whole Phantom Thief ordeal irritated him. He couldn't seem to work it out.

"It does sound like they're trying hard to attract attention," Kaito agreed as he stared hard into his glass as if he were a clairvoyant gazing into a crystal ball. "If there's no pattern with the crimes, then the only explanation is they're trying to attract as much attention as they can. They could be trying to make themselves known, don't you think?"

"I doubt you're wrong there. It could be an attention thing." Maki shrugged, turning back to Shuichi. "What do you think?"

"I think Kaito's right. It definitely makes sense when you put it that way. Besides, it explains the calling cards left at each crime scene. Looks to me like they're trying to challenge people to figure out what the hint on the card means, invitation to a game." Shuichi stated, once again scanning through the newspaper for any details he may have missed before.

Kaito nodded, "They must be pretty confident that they won't get caught."

"It could be the thrill of it all that they enjoy. You know? Stealing and escaping unseen? Leaving the whole crime shrouded in mystery?" suggested Maki, biting her lip.

Shuichi finished off his coffee. "That could be it..."

"Well if that's not the case then I trust you'll come up with something else!" Kaito declared, with much more energy than when this conversation had begun.

"Heh, yeah..." Shuichi sighed. He wished he had Kaito's confidence and energy, but he was only Shuichi Saihara: the detective who only became known because he solved one mere murder case. He didn't even want to be a detective, but since he lived with his uncle who owned a detective agency that was just how it played out. Shuichi learned everything about detective work from observing his uncle. It wasn't that impressive no matter how many compliments he received about his skills.

Out of nowhere, his phone began to ring and 'I'm Too Sexy' crept out of the device. An avalanche of entertained giggles erupted from Maki and Kaito. Shuichi prised the device stuck in the pocket of his pinstriped trousers and hurried to answer to avoid further embarrassment.

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