Chapter 1: The beginning

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Bold= Ancient Egyptian

As long as I could remember, I would have the same dream over and over again.  And whenever I would have this dream, I didn't know why I would have this particular dream. The first time I didn't question it or really paid attention to any details. But on the fourth and fifth time, I started too. I would wonder why would I dream this? Did it have some kind of meaning? Some kind of purpose? Was the universe trying to tell me something? 


In my dreams, I figured that I was living in Ancient Egypt and I was Pharaoh Seti l youngest daughter, Abayomi. My older brother Ramses, my older sister Nefertiti, and I had all totally different personality yet we all loved one another. But since my siblings were older than I was, they had more responsibilities. 

I was on my way to my older sister's chambers. The servants would bow to me and I would kindly acknowledge them. Brother Ramses would always tease me about being nice to the slaves or anyone below me. But I didn't care if you were below me or higher than me if you show me respect than I will show you the same. 

I knocked on Nefertiri's chamber. I waited until she or one of her servant opened. And like I expected, her servant opened. Once she saw me, she bowed and moved to the side so I can enter. 

"Welcome, princess Abayomi," the young servant said. 

"Is your lady, Princess Nefertiti here?" I said looking at my older sister's chamber. 

"Yes, my princess. She is on the balcony"

"Thank you, you are dismissed for the night," I said to her.

The young servant kindly smiled at me, bowed, and left us along. I went out to the balcony and saw my beautiful sister standing there. I was planning on scaring her but once I what she was staring at had me shocked, confused, and angry. I gasped at the sight of my betrothed, Priest Imhotep was waiting in my future step-mother's Anuck Su Namun's chamber. I felt my sister's hand held mine and we watched as the two traitors did the unthinkable. 

When Anuck Su Namun walked in they greeted one another before he kissed her. I looked away feeling so much hatred and betrayal. My sister squeezed my hand tighter letting me know she was here for me. I truly loved him like never before. I deeply cared for him and I would have done anything he asked of me. But clearly, my feeling for him meant nothing for him. 

In the distance, we heard someone approaching Anuck Su Namun's chamber. Imhotep and his mistress had a small argument which we couldn't hear.  Once they finished Imphotep left and hid behind the drapes. We watched the silhouette unfold and we gasped.

"Medjai quickly my father needs you"

Nefertiti shouted down pointing across so they knew where to go. However, they were too late as Anuck Su Namun and Imphotep murdered the Pharaoh, my father. The Pharaoh was killed by the two he trusted the most. Nefertiti shouted and she fell off the balcony. 


I shouted. And like in every one of my dreams I woke up falling down the balcony trying to save my beloved sister. 


"Damn i... another useless attempted"

I said looking up at my ceiling. It took me a few seconds to collect myself. Sighing, I got up from my bed and head to the small bathroom. I recently bought this small apartment, after leaving the orphanage with adopted father Richard "Rick" O'Connell. Rick and I were the only one to get along with each other while being the same orphanage. When Rick has left the orphanage, I became depressed. I lost my only family and the only person I could trust in this shitty place. Three years later, Rick came back and legally adopted me as his daughter. Even though we're legal 'father' and 'daughter' we act more like brother and sister. He doesn't call me daughter and I don't call him father. However, Rick isn't here. It's been six months since I last saw him. He's in the army and he left to fight somewhere in Egypt, I think? When he came back he hasn't been the same. One day he told me, he was going to do something and six months later I haven't seen him since. 

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