Scorpion King

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A/N: Hello welcome back to another chapter. I apologize for not updating these past few weeks but as I said before, I am back. For these new few chapters, I will change the plot and might not follow the movie's ending. You will see what I mean but I hope you guys enjoy it. 


Ardeth's POV:

This battle will go down in our books, it will be written for all the others to hear. They'll know what we, warriors of God, have done for mankind. They'll know that we have defeated Anubis warriors. As I chopped the head of the last Anubis warrior, I looked around and saw my men cheering, feeling happy that we finally did it. While I was looking around, I began thinking of my love Deliah. I hope she's okay, I hope she is doing alright, but knowing how she is I know she's probably causing more trouble than the others. But that is okay, I love her despite her troublesome behavior. She's the one person in this world I cannot be without, within the few years that we stayed apart I realize that I love her too much and I don't want to be away from her. 

Smiling I looked down, thinking about Deliahs and my adventures. My thoughts were cut short as I heard something. Feeling like something bad is about to happen, I rush through my cheering brothers to the edge of the hill and looked over. Inhaling sharply, I see another thousands Anubis warriors making their way towards us. The once cheering men were now gripping their swords looking at our enemies. I look to my left and then to my right, my brothers were looking around with worried faces. As the new set of army approached, I looked at my brothers I raised my sword, 'till death.' They raised their swords and screaming out, getting ready to protect mankind. 

Looking at the army I briefly closed my eyes, 'I'm sorry Deliah for I have chosen my brothers instead of going to find you. Please do not hate me for fighting until my very last breath. But I promise I'll find you in our next life and I promise this time I won't let you go." Opening my eyes again I let another battle cry to which the others soon joined me. 

A new, more difficult battle began, but it's okay we're strong and ready. We'll win this battle like the last, we'll win this battle for our people and for the world. 


3rd POV:

Inside the pyramid, the Scorpion King has awoken. Rick and Imhotep now stand in front of the great and powerful Scorpion King. The king steps forward as the two men stepped back, realizing that this is an opportunity to get rid of Rick for good, Imphote drops his weapons and kneel before the King. 

"I am your loyal servant. You are my king and I will follow you till my dying breath," Imhotep says as he looks to the floor ignoring Rick's confused expression. The Scorpion King stops and smiles at Imhotep knowing that he has yet another warrior for his use. He then turns and looks at Rick, waiting for his pledge of alliance. When Rick didn't say anything, the half-man and half-animal throws him across the room. Rick's back hits a wall. Grunting Rick gets up and sees fires around him. Right in front of him, he saw a drawing on the wall. This drawing caused him to stare at it with wide eyes. This drawing showed a very large gold knife and a pyramid with the Eye of Horns at the center-- the same pyramid that Rick had on his wrist.  Rick stares at the drawing shocked, this was what Deliah was telling him before. All the stories she told about him being a warrior, she was telling the truth about him and his tattoo. He was meant to protect her, he was meant to be a warrior, he was meant to be there for her. 

"I am a stranger from the East. You are looking for me," Rick whispers finally believing his little sister's words. As those words left his lips, suddenly he gets a headache and he closes his eyes. Once he does he witness the past, his past life with the others. He sees Ardeth as his close friend Nkosi fighting side by side. He sees his wife Evie as Crown Princess Nefertiti walking down the hall looking beautiful as ever. He even sees the Phoral, Jonathan as Crown Prince Ramses, High Priest Imhotep, and Ancksunam. But what shocks him the most is seeing his beautiful little sister as Princess Abayomi looking alive and so, so happy. He sees the memories of Nkosi and him spending time with Abayomi. He was happy seeing her so happy but then it all comes down when he witnesses her death followed by Nefertiti's death. He sees as Nkosi rushes towards his princess side and pulls her towards his chest. His cries echoed throughout the palace, his shouts for a doctor to help Abayomi was to pain to see. Rick was frozen in place witnessing his sister's death once again and knowing he wasn't there to protect her. This was the first time when he failed her and he did it again. He left her to die and he couldn't do anything about it. Watching her die for the second time only brought him greater pain. 

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