the adventure begins

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"HOLA, SOY DORA!!" the hellspawn began the day. a faint rumbling could be heard in the distance. he was coming. trees fell and he slammed his boot next to dora. "OI M8. DID YOU JUST START  W I T H O U T  M E??"doras eyes began to water"please...dont punish me...again" his mouth curled into a menacing smile as the 10ft monster of a monkey looked down on her as if she was a useless ant. "theres no way of getting out of it. naughty girls are always punished" his booming voice chuckled and screeched into the heavens. a booming thud landed behind her. Diego. "w-w-wheres b-baby jaguar?""i spared him the hell".

they stood there for a few seconds before boots shouted"WELL, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!!" diego nodded before unsheathing their massive cocks

xX_dora x boots x diego_XxWhere stories live. Discover now