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doras face was m o i s t with tears of fear. Their dongs were as big and thicc as trees, and just as scary. "Well? hurry up!" boots shouted. "daddys waiting" chimed in diego as his ginormous member inched towards her. the head was as big as her own. "d-d-d-diego.....please,"she choked out between tears, "you k-k-know i c-cant take i-i-it". they both just laughed. boots rubbed it up against her back. he let out a soft moan of pleasure as the rubbing became harder and faster. "save it for later bb ;)" diego grabbed dora by the backpack and wrapped her against his dick. Dora couldn't cry anymore, she had become numb to everything. diego thrusted, moaning louder each time. all dora could feel was his warm dongle rubbing up and down against her no-no-square. as a white liquid spurted out over boot's chest, dora started to realise something she wished she never did.

she kinda liked it.

xX_dora x boots x diego_XxWhere stories live. Discover now