Chapter 2: Mr. King of the World

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You woke up in a large dark room. The groud was cold and dusty but a little light shown from a crack in the ceiling. The last thing you remembered was a man dragged you in here and chained you down. Was he the owner? Or a servant? It felt unimportant so you shrugged it off and peer over at your friends. 

Jaiden was huddling in the corner, covering his head, while Averion was mumbling to himself as he franticlly looked around the room.

"What did this man do to them? All he did to me was knock me out." You say under your breath. But the others heard you.

"___________?!" Jaiden whispered.

"Jaiden? Averion! Are you there?" You say in a more cheerful tone,

"Hahahahaha. You sound so deperate ________! Well it was always like you!" Averion yelled. You all laughed in relief you were all still together. It was good. They were your best friends, if annything happened to them you would rather die. 


Jaiden popped out his blade.

"Now we can get ou-"   Jaiden started to cut his rope but, two men walked in cutting him off. One short with black hair, red eyes, the other tall, buff and muscular with blonde hair and a giant scar one his left cheek. The duo unchained all of us and dragged us up a flight of stairs and into broad daylight. The placed us right in front of the grandstaircase. At the top sat a man in a chair like a throne.

The man snapped his fingers and said, " Take off their hoods."  His voice growled as he spoke. You felt chills down your spine. The men tugged on your hoods and your (h/c) hair fell out on your shoulders. Your friends hoods were pulled off as well. The man at the top of the stairs laughed. A crazy laugh. Averions face turned red from anger.

"How dare you laugh at us? Show your some pride coward and show your face!"

All that was seen from the darkness of where the throne was, was a white smile. He slowly stood up and began walking down the stairs. A man laughed behind you and yu all turned around.

"Wrong move" The Japanese man chuckled.

You all turned around again. His footsteps were growing closer and your heart started racing. He slowly slipped into the lightand revealed his face. His eyes were purple but i could see his anger in the tiny red in the corner. His smile was sinister.You began to shake as if you were in alaska. It felt like the end.

"So what did you say about me being.... a coward?!" The italian said. Averion began to shake just like me but he stood his ground.

"Yes. Your a coward! You just ambush little kids and take us into your creepy mansion!" 

The man just stared at averion. And then a quick smirk appeared. 

"Now, first off, your not little kids, your highschoolers. Second, you came on MY property! And if you didn'tknow this from the adults of this town, 'Whoever comes in won't come out." 

You all shook at this statement. He fixed his tie and cleared his throat.

"I guess proper introductions are necassary. My name is Luciano Vargas."

You winced at the name. You've heard it somewhere before but the only two words you could make out of it was massacre and masquerade. 

He continued, " You will never call me by my name. You will call me sir. Next, you'll be assigned rooms and will serve as extra servants to my house. Finally, you will never leave your room until breakfast, lunch and dinner or unless noted," He said with his cold smile. You all winced and looked at each other scared.

"So is that understood?"

We all nodded our heads.

"Okay then! Luzifer! Kyo! Take them to their rooms!" He yelled and with that he turned on his heels, headed up the stairs and to the left. I smiled and turned back, " Yes your majesty." 


So 2P! Italy has been added. Its a pretty simple chapter but it will get far more interesting :)

Keep reading and please vote!!


(h/c) = your hair color

_______ = your name goes here

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