Chapter 5: Lies

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The door to your room creaks open and

Kuro enters. He held up a needle filled with a blue liquid. It was his new substance. You were his test subject.

"Well _____. You were a trouble one to put to sleep but after everything,  hitting you got you knocked out. So now, you inspired me to created a new medicine. And you are my lovely test subject."

Kuro slipped over to your bed and gently  pushed in the needle into your skin. The medicine was pushed into your  vein. You violently  shook from the shock of the new liquid entering your blood. He grinned at what his new product was showing. He walked out of the room and gently closed the door. He would see his results at dinner.

With a powerful jolt, you woke instantly. You felt full of energy and ready to bounce up and run a mile! But then you stared to get drowsy. You got up and headed to the door to see a note:

Dinner will be at 7:30(in a few minutes) instead of at 7:00.


"Okay.... thanks" You say on your way out. When you get to the dining room, you see Jaiden sitting near the head of the table and Kuro serving him tea. Jaiden sees you and gives you a small smile and a wave. You wave back to him. You suddenly notice neither Luciano nor Averion are were there.

"Uh.....Kuro were is....?

Kuro frowns," Ah yes. Luciano has family  matters he is attending to. He may not be seen for a few days" He lies.

That didn't answer you question.

"Where's  Averion?"

He looked puzzled," Oh I saw him in the garden but it's to late. He isn't out there now and there is no possible way for him to escape. Si, I'm not sure where he is" Kuro lies again.

You look at Jaiden. Both your faces worried, full of fear. For all you know, what could he of gotten into? Kuro seemed to sense both of you were going to ask to go search for Averion.

"Stay here and enjoy dinner. Tommorrow you'll only work the morning shift. Luciano's family will be coming in the afternoon. So i'll tell you now. If you even dare mess up, you'll regret every step you took that day. This coming from Luciano. Now enjoy!" He says quuckky. He snaps his fingers and a plethora of servants come out carrying trays and platters of food to you. Kuro quickly slips out of the dining room and to the kitchen to enter the down stairs pantry.

"Lets see... Vargas in Italy." He mumbles as he searches through the phone book.

"Ah!" Kuro begins to type in the number for his cousin. He had to stage a fake family crisis to fool the two.
ring ring riiiingg

"Ciao!~" A happy voice rang.

"Hello, this is Kuro. I'm in need of your help."

"Oh. You must be cousin Luciano's servant. I mean friend!!!!!!!" He said shakily.

Kuro smiles harshly," To the point, I'm  having a few problems and need you to visit. Say, fake a "family crisis"."

"Oh well,if you need us that badly, I'll call for a jet to be there by eleven tomorrow morning~veh!" He chirps. Even in this state of causing a fake crisis he was still happy.

"Perfect" He said, " i'll send you and email of what the crisis is and such.

"Okay, Bye-bye!"

"Goodbye." Kuro said as he silently hung up. He headed back up the staurs. This was going to be fun.

You look at Jaiden. You're finally done with the dinner fit for a whale! It felt like forever since Kuro left. You look around. No more people, no one.

"We have to find Averion! I'm getting worried!!" You almost shout.

Jaiden nods, " Ya. Im worried too. But _____, we need to wait. If we screw up tommorow, one of us can go missing too".

Your face turns red.

"How can we wait ?! And what if these freaks have him hidden? Who knows what they'd do to him!" You whisper to Jaiden. All the things that happened some hours ago felt blurry, even not there. What if-? What if?


Hey guys! So chapter five ia done! Hope you liked it. I've been super busy and this is one of my only times to update.  But dont worry i literally wrote everything ahead of time so i can quickly update! Thanks for all the votes. Love you guys lots!!! Please vote and comment anything you could suggest!

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