Chapter 5

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Bella P.O.V

Yesterday I left after my talk with Kate and Irina. They went to give Edward and Emmett a lap dance and I left.

I had a lot to think so I went straight home texting Rita to take Hazel to day care for me.

I had a lot to think.

I don't want Hazel to meet her dad.

Everyone else says she has to meet him.

What will he think when he meets her? What will happen? Will he try to take her away from me? I can't take the risk.

Around noon my phone started to ring.


"Bella?! Bella, you have to come right now!!" Rita almost yelled.

"Calm down, what happened?"

"Hazel fell from the monkey bars in day care. She hit her head and doesn't wake up. They're taking her to the hospital."

NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!! NOT MY BABY!!!!!

I got my sweater and ran to my car. I drove as fast as I can to get to the hospital.

"Hello, may I help you?" Said the lady behind the register.

"I'm looking for Hazel. Hazel Andrea Swan. I'm her mother."

"Bella!!" I saw Rita running to me.

"Rita!! Where's Hazel?!"

"Calm down."

"Don't fucken tell me to calm down!! I want to see my daughter!! Where's my daughter?! I want to see my baby!!" I shouted.

"Family for Hazel Andrea Swan," I nurse came out.

"I'm her mother."

"The doctor is checking her. I'll call you when you can go see your daughter."


"Bella!" I saw Rosalie and Jasper ran in.

"Where's Hazel?" Jasper asked.

"They are checking her." I gasped. "God my baby," I wanted to cry.

"Bella, everything is going to be okay," Jasper said.

~~~~ Hour Later ~~~~

After a hour I told Rita, Rosalie and jasper to go home and rest. That I'll call them if there's any news.

"How much fucken time is it going to take?" I groan.

"Hazel Andrea?" The nurse came out.

"I'm her mother, again."

"C'mon, you can see your daughter now. Go straight the hall room 102. Doctor Cullen is waiting for you."


Wait doctor who?

I opened the door and saw him.

"You look a lot like someone that was really special to me," he said to Hazel.

"Who?" Hazel asked then she looked at me. "Mommy!!"

I ran up to her and hugged, kissed her. "Baby, you scared the hell out of me."

"No cussing, mommy." She said.

"Sorry, baby. God I got so scared."


I froze.

Bad Girl, Gone Good (Sequel For "Problem Girl")Where stories live. Discover now