Chapter 15

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Edward P.O.V

Bella had to go because her shift was about to start at the club. She seemed so sad I really wish I were there for her.

"Hey, Edward," Alice said when we got to my parents home.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi, auntie," Hazel said.

"Hello, sweety. Guess what?"


"Me and uncle Emmett got you a lot of toys," she smiled.

"Yay, can I go see them, Daddy?" Hazel jumped up and down.

"Go," I smiled as she ran inside.

"You seem down," Alice says, "is everything okay?"

"Bella called. It seems like her parents died and well she's... Sad."

Alice seemed concerned.

"They left a will so someone is going to come read it to her."

"How is she?"

"Not doing so well," I said looking at the floor.

"Daddy!" Hazel ran outside with a Teddy bear in her arms. "Look."

"That's so cute, baby," I said.

"Me like it," she said. "Imma give it to Mommy so she won't be sad anymore. Can we go see Mommy tomorrow, Daddy?"

"Of course."

"Lets go inside, I think mom and dad are probably waiting for us for dinner." Alice said.

~~~~ Next Day ~~~~

I took the day off of work. One: because I didn't want to see Tania. Two: I had to be with Bella. She needed me and Hazel with her right now.

Hazel started humming a song as we drove to surprise Bella at her place. She still had the Teddy Bear she said she was going to give Bella.

I took Hazel in my arms and knocked at Bella's door.

"Who is it?" She asked at the other side of the door.

"Pizza delivery," I faked a low tone voice.

"I didnt- Oh My God!" She opened the door and immediately smiled when she saw us. Her eyes were red which I think is for crying a lot.

"Mommy!" Hazel jumped from my arms to hers.

"Baby! I missed you so much," she hugged her.

"For you," Hazel gave her the Teddy Bear.

"Aw, I love it," she looked at me. "Thank you."

"Wanna have lunch?" I asked.

"Don't you have to work?" She asked.

"I call off today," I smile. "Someone needs to be cheered up today."

She smiled back.

"Why don't we go for some movies, snacks, and what's so ever and watch them here?" She offered.

"Yes!" Hazel cheered.

"Sounds great," I said.

We went to the store buying a bunch of movies like Fast and Furious 6, Divergent, Frozen -for Hazel-, Haunted House 2, etc. We bought ice cream, chips, chocolate, wine and juice.

"God, I'm gonna get fat again," Bella said.

"No you're not," I laughed as we put the bags on the table.

"You should have seen me when I was pregnant," she said.

"I wish," I murmur.

"Sorry, sorry. Totally out of topic... I'm sorry," she apologized while putting the ice cream in the freezer.

"Why are you apologising for?" I asked.

"Because..." She looked over at Hazel who kept watching Sponge Bob with her dog. "Because if it wasn't because of me leaving you... And what Tania did, we could have actually been a family."

I smile. I don't know how Tania, Mike and Jacob managed to get Bella to say that stuff or how they got a recording of her voice.

"Bella, I know is soon but... We can still be that family. It's never too late," I said.

"What are you actually saying?" She asked. "That we get back together?"


She sigh.

"I have a daughter thanks to you. A daughter who's healthy, happy." I said.

"Yes you do, but you have a daughter you didn't get to see her first steps or her first word or smile what's-so-ever because of me."

"She's three," I said. "Which means we still have fifteen years and in those years we can see her do even more things, special things. Show her how to swim or ride a bike. First day of kindergarten... We got her life ahead of us filled we special moments. Moments I want to share with you." I took her face between my hands. "God, because I love you."

"I love you, too," she whisper with a smile.

"What?" I gasp.

"You heard me."

"Say it again."

She shaked her head.


"Nope," she smiles.

"I'll kiss you." I warn with a huge smile.

"Edward Cullen," she says. "I Love You."

Those three words made my day. I leaned over and kissed her. I finally had her, I finally had my Bella back with me and now we're gonna be a big happy family again and with a new member.

We broke apart when Hazel gasped.

We looked at her as she stand a foot away from us.

"This means you together?" She asks.

"Yes," Bella said. "Me and Daddy are boyfriend and girlfriend. Again."

"Yay!" Hazel started dancing around.

"Only if Daddy takes Mommy on a date?" I said.

"What kind of boyfriend would you be if you didn't take your girlfriend to a date?" She said.

"The one who loves you and is the father of our child." I kissed her again.

"No kissing when me here!" Hazel said. We both laughed. "I wanna watch Frozen."

"Then let's watch Frozen," I said.

I couldn't be happier right now. She forgave me and my daughter couldn't hide her happiness of being a family.

"I have to tell you something," Bella whisper while we watched Hazel sang along with Elsa 'Let It Go.'


"I hooked up Alice and Jasper in one place and Emmett and Rosalie in another."

"You didn't?" I laugh.

She nodded with a huge smile.

"You think it'll work?"

"Jasper and Rosalie have missed them all these years, don't you think they'll try to work it out?"

"True. Also Emmett and Alice," I said.


I smile kissing her head.

Update: August 15, 2014

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