(i wont tell)

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Allie sat in the bathroom with Kaitlyn's makeup, ready to pull her hair out.
"Allie, there's a redheaded man and a blonde woman here to see you!" Kaitlyn yelled.

"Second!" Allie yelled, letting her head bang against the wall.

She'd sat in the bathroom for the past hour, trying to cover the still present bruises. They were now more green, but her face still looked awful.

She washed off the makeup, wincing, and walked out to the hall, grabbing her book on her way.

"Hey Allie, ready?" Bill asked.

Allie nodded, and went over to her friend. "Hey, don't wait up."

Kaitlyn looked at her warily, before pulling her into a tight hug. "I swear, if you get hurt, I'm going to kill him." she whispered.

Allie pushed her friend. "Kaitlyn!"

"Kidding! Are you sure I can't come?"

"No, I'll be fine." Allie said, before turning to Bill and Fleur. "Let's go."

The two nodded, showing her out to the car they'd rented. While Allie was bound to find out about magic, they didn't want her to know yet.
"Oh, Molly! The Muggle girl is here!" Arthur exclaimed, almost jumping in his excitement.

"Remember, she doesn't know about magic." Hermione reminded them. "We have to pretend to be Muggle tonight. It'll be too much a shock all at once." 'Especially with this family,' she added to herself.

Bill, Fleur, and the 'Muggle girl' walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Allie," Hermione waved, hugging her. "This is Arthur and Molly Weasley."

"Hi." Allie waved shyly.

In the next hour, Allie would meet nearly every other member of the Weasley family.

Ginny had asked if she wanted to play Quidditch, then promptly shushed.

Charlie had asked if she'd ever had chicken, and Allie had found it odd, saying, "Yeah, hasn't everyone?"

Percy had tried asking what her favorite type of cauldron was. "Cauldron? Like the kind witches use in the books?"

"Um, yeah!" Percy had nodded, "never mind."

There was a boy with one ear named George. She'd been introduced to him when Bill was ushering her around. "Here Allie, George is your age."

"Hi George." Allie waved, and George had smiled, albeit sadly.

"Fred was his twin," Hermione had explained later.

Ron...liked to eat. Throughout dinner, he had barely talked to her, as his mouth was always stuffed with something.

"Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione had complained, but Ron had only shrugged.

Harry at least hadn't treated her oddly. Well, not as much as everyone else. See, Harry was the only one who didn't stare at her bruised face. "If you'd like, I can show you how to get that to heal pretty quickly. If you take a spoon..."

Apparently Harry knew quite a lot about injuries. "I was bullied as a kid." He told her when she asked about it.

"Oh, I've never been really hit before," she waves at her face. "You know."

All in all it was a nice night.

Except when a small fire started and about five people pointed sticks at it. And the sticks had shot water out their ends.

Allie's mouth must have come unhinged, because Bill pulled her into another room and made sure she hadn't gone into shock. "All right, Allie?"

"Holy...what was that?" She asked, sitting down.

"Magic?" Bill asked, as though he didn't actually know.

"How? I don't..." she sputtered.

"Why don't we get you a glass of water? I'll do that, and Fleur can sit with you. Fleur honey!"

As Fleur talked to her about who knows what, she tried making sense of things. "Are you sorcerers or something?"

"I guess." Fleur said. "Technically I'm a witch and Bill's a wizard. You're a Muggle."

"Well then." Allie whispered.

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