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note: takes place several years later, christmas 2015

"Mummy when are we gonna see Uncle Billy?" whined Robbie, Allie's adopted four year old son.

"Soon, Pumpkin, soon. Why don't you go find your sister?" Allie suggested, trying to find her coat.

"I'm in the kitchen, Mum!" Madeleine, her fifteen year old yelled.

"Can you put the dog in her kennel?" Allie asked, trying to find her car keys.

"Can we go now?" Robbie whined again.

Allie sighed. "Alright, let's head to the car. Coming Sweet Pea?"

"Mhm," she said, eyes glued to her phone.

"Give it," Allie said, holding out the hand not covered in apple juice -- courtesy of Robbie.

Madeleine sighed. "Here."


"Allie, so glad you could make it!" Ginny called, Lily running in front of her. "Lily's been dying to play with Robbie."

"As has Robbie." Allie told her friend.

Madeleine was looking for her phone in Allie's purse. "Maddie, go find Dominique or Victoire to play with. No phone."

Ginny frowned as Madeleine walked away. "No phone? On Christmas? You're cruel Allie."

Allie shook her head. "How's little Albus?"

"He's excited to turn ten next February. Harry's teaching him Quidditch."

"Ooh, who do you think he'll take after?"

"Me, obviously." Ginny laughed.


"Aunt Allie!" Hugo yelled, jumping from Hermione's lap. "Hi there Hugo," Allie waved.

Hermione hugged her. "Hey, don't steal my son."

"I'm almost seven Mummy. Nobody can steal me! I have muscles." Hugo showed them his 'muscles'.

"Oh, my mistake." Hermione chuckled.

"How's Rosie?" Allie asked.

"Good. Madeleine and Robbie?"

"Alright. Kaitlyn and Eve finally got engaged."

"Oh you should have brought them!"

"Oh no, they've moved to America, Eve's family's there."

"Oh, that's too bad." Harry said, giving Robbie a 'hippogriff ride'.

Robbie grabbed Allie's hand and forced her to follow, her back at an odd angle.


"Happy Christmas Allie." Bill said later, under a blanket of twinkling stars.

"Happy Christmas William." Allie whispered.

"Everything alright?" he asked, moving closer.

Allie nodded. "Yeah, just thinking about how we met."

"Oh yeah, therapy. Who knew I could meet my best friend there?"

Allie nodded, smiling. "It's weird. Back then I thought it was the end of the world. and -- crazy as it sounds -- I'm glad he hit me."

"Really?" Bill asked incredulously, putting a protective arm around her -- as if he was there now. He always did that when it was brought up, however rare.

"Yeah," Allie nodded. "If I hadn't been in an abusive relationship, I'd never have met you at therapy, and I might be with him still. I wouldn't have met my family, probably wouldn't have adopted Maddie or Robbie either."

"True, although I wish you hadn't gone through it."

Allie shrugged. "It was worth it. D'you think I should send a thank you card?"

Bill snorted into his drink. "Yeah, I can see it now. Dear abusive boyfriend--"


"Exboyfriend. Thanks so much for everything."

"Without you I wouldn't have found my best friend--"

"--and family--"


"That girl you punched back in '99."

They laughed again, then Bill hugged her. "Let's get back inside."

Allie nodded, pulling her green Weasley sweater closer around her.

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