Chapter 2

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Alice called Betty and asked her to meet her at Pop's. 15 minutes later Betty and Jughead were there.
She told them Chic was dead and had committed suicide. Neither of them seemed concerned. However, Betty did ask why Alice told them to come here just to tell them about this. Alice didn't know how to say it, it was a very risky thing to do but they had to if they want to get some answers.

"I want to go to Chic's apartment. There might be some information about Charles", Alice finally says.
"Mom, don't do it", Betty begs.
"I need to get some answers on who he was."
"It's not worth it. It's not even sure you'll find anything, or you'll find too much. Either way it will break you, okay." Betty knows that her mother is very unstable when it comes to her daughters and Charles since she blames herself for what happened to him. Finding out who he was will only give her more reasons to hate herself.

"Betty is right. And going to his apartment now would affect the whole investigation. Besides, you will look very suspicious", Jughead explains.

"They said it was a suicide", Alice explain.

"Maybe it was but it's unnecessary to bring attention to yourself. After what he did to you I would say you already look pretty suspected if they change their theory about his death", Jughead says and looks at his girlfriend's mother.

Alice sighs. "I was going to ask if you could come with me but I'm guessing it's a waste of time."
"Mom, please don't do it. It will only make things worse."

Alice looks at her daughter. Nothing can make things worse right now. Nothing in her life is as it should be. She has no one left. Her husband is in jail, her daughter and grandchildren avoids her as much as possible and her other daughter spends all her time away from home, either with her boyfriend or friends. She doesn't have anyone, not even a friend.

FP have started to drink again and is impossible to have a normal conversation with.

"I'll do what I have to", she says and picks up her purse from the chair next to her and walks away.

Even if her daughter wasn't going to help her she knew she wouldn't tell anyone about it. She drives up to he hostel house where he used to live and park outside.

It's dark and empty in the staircase. Everyone is already in their apartments sleeping. Luckily Chic had forgot his extra key at their house when he lived there so she could easily walk in without anyone noticing.

She opens the door and close it carefully before turning on the light. What she saw had her screaming, but not too loud fortunately since she tries to be as quite as possible. It was someone in his apartment, staring right back at her.

But she soon realize that the person was only her own reflection in the mirror.

Alice takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down as she starts to go through his stuff. Everything is neatly at its place like he had cleaned right before he left.
On his desk was nothing except his computer. She tries to pull out a drawer but it's locked. Instead she starts to go through his bookshelf. Looking in every book and every drawer for something about her son but she can't find anything.

His bed was bedded but not for long.

She pulls off the blanket and shakes it hoping something will drop out which it doesn't. She can't find anything in or under his bed. Either he has thrown away all things about Charles or hidden it in the locked drawer under his desk. While going through his room she couldn't remember having seen a key which only gives her one last chance of finding it. His bathroom.

She turns on the light and starts to look anywhere it can be. It's not in the shelf or in the sink, not under the rug and not in the shower. She opens the toilet looks down at the water and under the seat. Nowhere. Maybe he had it on him when he died or has hide it somewhere else. If that's the case she'll never find it.

When she closes the toilet seat again she hears how the lid on the tank moves. What if .

She lifts it off and look down. There it is, at the very bottom. The key. She takes a fast scan across the room for something she can use but she doesn't find anything.

Making her hand as small as possible, she puts it down to reaches for it. One millimeter further down and she wouldn't have been able to get it.

She takes it out and walk with fast steps over to the desk again. The key fits perfectly and the drawer opens up.

Inside lays a book. It looks like a diary. She opens it and a picture falls to the floor.

When she picks it up she recognize Chic and next to him stands a brown-haired boy with the same blue eyes and the same nose as her own. Charles.

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