Chapter 5

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Room 2:19. They stopped and looked at the door. Alice hesitated for a second starting to question if this really was the right thing to do, but evetually she knocked.

"Who is it?" a boy yelled from the other side of the door.

Neither of them answered. What should they say?

The door opened anyway and a tall guy, the same as on the picture, looked at them.

"What are you doing here?" he asked and looked dissapointed at Alice. He recognized her.

"I wanted to talk to you", she said hoping he would let her.

"I don't want you here. Please leave", he says.

"Charles, please, let me explain", Alice begged him but he said no and started closing the door.

"I'm sorry, Charles. I'm so, so sorry." Her voice started to break.

"No, you're not. You smashed the door in my face saying you didn't want me."

FP opened his mouth for the first time since they got here. "And how is that any different from what you are doing right now?"

Alice turned around and stared at him. Gave him a look that told him to stop. Then she turned to Charles again. "You don't understand how sorry I am for what I did. If it was my decision I would never have given you up and I would never turn you away", Alice said while her eyes started to tear up.

"It was your choice", Charles says. "You were the one who gave me up for adoption and rejected me. You were the one who said you didn't want me. No one else."

Alice started to cry. Hearing him say those words made her more upset than she thought it would. She knew this was how he thought of her, but hearing him say it, hearing it be confirmed was horrible.

"Charles can we please talk about this inside", Alice said and started to walk against him.

"Charles you have to believe your mother when she tells you she didn't have a choice", FP says and Charles finally agrees on letting them inside.

"Explain", Charles begged and sat down on his bed.

The room looked similar to the one he and Chic owned. A desk with a computer, a big bed and a bookshelf. The only thing that differed, except that this one was much smaller, was the walls. In the other appartment they were naked, no paintings, no pictures or posters. These walls were covered in them. Posters about rehabilitation and finding happiness. About understanding yourself and loving yourself. Alice read a few of them; "my entire life can be described in one sentence: it didn't go as planned and that's okay", "create your own sunshine", "it's never too late to get your shit together". It made her feel good but at the same time uncomfortable since the reason he needs all this is because he doesn't live by it at all, and it is because of her.

"I used to be married to a man who were very controlling over me-"

Charles interupted her. "Used to? What do you mean? You and Hal are not married anymore?"

It hit her in the stomach hearing Hal's name again.

"Not since a while back. He have done some horrible things", Alice explained trying not to think about it.

"Like what?", Charles asked.

"Things you shouldn't worry about right now." It was hard but she had to push the thoughts and feelings of him away.

"He's my father, I have the right to know."

"About that...", FP said.

"FP, stop!"

Charles looked confused at them. "What does he mean?"

They both sat quiet. 

"Why are you even here? Who are you?", Charles asked after a while, starring at FP.

"Should I?", FP whispered.

"No you should not", Alice said starring angry at him.

"He will understand soon enough anyway", he continued whispering so Alice wouldn't get angrier at him.

Alice turned away from FP and looked at her son instead. "Anyway", she started, trying to get off the subject. "When he found out I was pregnant he forced me to make an abortion, saying we weren't ready to be parents yet but I couldn't do it so I kept you and then having to give you up for adoption instead because he would never agree on keeping you and I was scared of what he would do if he found out what I had done."

Alice's eyes started to tear up once again. FP moved closer and put his arm around her. 

"When you came back I didn't know what to do. I panicked. If Hal would have seen you, if he had understood who you were..."

When it happened she had done it to make sure neither of them would get a scolding but recently she has witnessed what Hal really was capable of and she's more relieved than ever that she did it.  

"So you did it to keep yourself safe?", Charles asked.

"And you", FP said. "She did it for you too. You should know that your mother has the biggest heart and would never hurt anyone, especially not her children. I've never seen her more broken than the night she told me about you, believing you were dead."

"Dead?", Charles asked confused.

"Chic told us-" Alice interruped herself understanding this would take long to explain. "It's a long story."

"Tell me", Charles ordered her.

Alice explained about Chic pretending to be him and then telling them Charles was dead. About Chic's suicide and how she found his diary and put the pieces together, figuring out he would be here. They also explained why FP was with her. 

Alice wanted to get Charles out of this place but he couldn't just leave, he had to talk to the people working here first, making sure he was ready. After some paperwork and discussion they agreed to let him leave with his parents.

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