Chapter 7 Gaurdian of Fear or Shadows

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We made her Night mares fade away and I began pace the floors. My dad looked at me, he was feeling better. The fear we stole from the orange girl or Eve, made him strong but not enough, I had to create that vision or dream for her, all he did was tag along and made her scared. He was pathetic, and dishonest what wasn't he telling me?

"If what she said is true about me being a guardian....." I trailed off, my mind began to racw.

"Don't listen to her, darling she is using you. Once you get your memories back.." He started saying again but I cut him off pissed.

"That's right Father! Why are my memories so important to you?" I glared. I didn't need them and I didn't care for them but why were they important to him.

"Clam down, just because she says one thing doesn't make it true." he says reassuring me. He tried to touch me but something told me not to let him. So I backed away. I glared and he gave an annoyed smile in response.

"Father we have her for one day, I suggest you drain her, almost to the point of death, any energy she manages to get back, take it." I said to him as I called Onyx. he saw her and his eyes widen.

"What did you do to my horse?" he was outraged and I only smirked.

"She is my horse now!" she laughed and he stared at her trying to decided to be proud or horrified

"Where are you going?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"Out," I replayed. I got onto the horse and before I left I looked at him.

"Pitch, what's got you so scared?" I frowned and left. I needed to think and have a snack.

*Pitch's pov*

After she left, I got so very angry. How dare she question my fear, I wouldn't have this if she just let me touch her! But if we really want to point blame its all those guardians flout! They made her one? I walked over to the dungeon and stared at the fire girl, Eve taking in all her fear, draining her to the point of death but leaving an ounce of life left. Her flames dimmed. I felt better right away not enough to regain me to my full power but enough to stain me. This way is sloppy but once i regain my full power I will be able to keep them alive without draining them. I'd have to keep her longer. I looked away annoyed I need to make her my slave. however once Christina gets her memories back then I will be able to control the horses and get my palace back. I looked around the dungeon.

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