Harvest Sun - In The Air

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The arrived at the air pretty fast.   "Mr. Rose, we have you chopper ready to go," said Tony airport traffic control.    "Thanks," Jeff replied as they all stepped into the chopper.  "Now Sunny, you must pay attention to every single thing that I do.  I will be testing you tomorrow to make sure you were listening." said her father.       Sunny took out her cell phone and began recorded every her dad was doing.  "Don't worry, I won't forget anything," she replied

"Really, you're recording.  This is why half of this universe had turned cell phone stupid, they can't think for themselves, what the hell, now they don't have to think or learn, the phone will give them the answer all the time," he said when he reached for Sunny's cell.  "Hey, what are you doing?" she asked   "Put it away, or I will throw it out the window," he said with a very angry pissed off face.   "Chill dad, no need to have a cow," she said.  She then turned the phone off placing it in her pocket.

"I'll have a cow and a bull if I have to.  But you really need to learn things on your own, what will happen if suddenly all the cell phones in the world stop working what then.  I know one thing, half of the world's population will be dumb, lost and stupid.  That's what I think and believe." said Jeff as he took the chopper up into the sky.

"Honey, chill already, Sunny understands what you mean.  Right sweetie you got the message?" said Lucy her mother    "Yes, whatever." said Sunny as puts the cell away then she sat in the back of the chopper, now with a very upset stare.

They all were silent for a while, admiring the beautiful senary.   Then as they cross the mountain tops,  "Hey, dad, looked over there, there's a flock of seagulls.  They must be heading to the beach." said Sonny as she points at a flock of over fifty seagulls.   "Sweetie, stay away from the window.  They won't get close to us if all they can see is the chopper, movement in the chopper will only call their attention." her father explained   "Dad, you and your imagination." Sunny replied then sat back again.

When for some reason what so ever the flock of seagulls flew in a pattern then suddenly all they went towards the chopper at the same time.   "Everyone holds on they're all heading right towards us!" Jeff screams as he tried to shift the chopper out of the way.    The seagulls hit the propeller, some slammed into the outside of the chopper.   Then suddenly there was smoke filling up the inside of the chopper.   "Dad!  I scared.  We're crashing aren't we?" said Sonny holding on, afraid.    "I'll try to land it before we crash, just every one sit back and hold on!" he screamed as he controlled the helicopter as much as he could.   "Honey,  we're getting close to the trees!" his wife screamed, while the chopper, went down.   The two ladies screamed as Jeff continued to try to take control of the chopper.

Then Crash!  Everyone lights went out.  The crash made Sonny fly out of her seat, landing far away from the crash site.   Her mother was both still in their seat unconscious.

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