Harvest Sun - The Save

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The moment Goldy the Harvest Elf noticed that Sunny wasn't looking at him, but searching and gathering the marbles.   He vanished, appearing in front of the wreckage.  He floated to the top of the helicopter.  He placed the bottom of his rod on Sunny's mother's face.  "No! No! good! Mama, gone and papa too.  Me, bring back and fix everything." he muttered to himself.

 The elf then pointed the rod, "Need carpet." he said   Then within seconds the flying carpet appeared once again.    He quickly jumped onto the carpet and floated in the air.  "Now, me, fix," he said as he waves his rod here and there.  Slowly and gently the copper began to move back into upright position. Then the glass and debris began to move off from on top of Sunny's parents.  Once the chopper was in upright position, he waves the magic cane at them.   Sunny's mother and father slowly floated out of the chopper and into the air above.   THen as the elf waves his magic rod, a red beam shot out towards them.  It surrounds the two dead bodies.  Then the beam became bright sun rays, it aluminated the bodies as the harvest sun ray gave them life.  Then the elf put them both in a deep sleep.  Mending and healing every broken bone.   Once this process was completed, he gently lowered them back into the helicopter.

They landed on the same sets they were sitting.  "There you go. No, more dead, no more pain.  Sunny will be happy now." he whispered then he glances towards the fields looking for Sunny.  "You two stay here.  Me, be back soon." said the elf as he walked towards the grass field.

"Sunny! Sunny! Are you done?" he asked as he floated over her as she kneels on the ground looking for the rest of the marbles.   "No, I'm not done.  Marbles are small, and this field is big. You've done this on purpose! You knew I wasn't going to find them!  All I found for seven, there are still three missing." she yelled as she continued to look.

"It's good.  No, more.  You win. Game complete." he said as he steps down, then puts his carpet away.  "No, me not bad. Me, good.  You'll see. Follow me." he whispered as he walked towards the wreckage.   Sunny realized the direction he was going.  "Goodness about time, we going to check on my parents," she replied as she walked right behind Goldy.

"Goldy, fix parents. No, cry for Sunny," he replied   Sunny really didn't understand what the elf meant when he spoke.  So she really didn't pay his words no main and quickly ran towards the chopper, she noticed something different.  The chopper was no longer laying on its side.  It was now facing right side up, something that was impossible for anyone human to accomplish.  She glanced at the elf who was walking with his rod right behind Sunny.

"Did you do this?" she asked confused.  "Yes, me, help parents. Me, promise. Remember?" he replied with a creepy friendly smile.   "Thank you.  Are you alright?' she asked as she continued to run finally reaching the chopper.  "Mom! Dad!" she yelled as she got closer.   She then ran into the chopper, "Mom! Dad! I'm here." she said as she shook them, but they didn't move.

"No, No, I knew this was going to happen!" she yelled as the tears ran down her face while she hugged her mother.   "No, no, bad happens. Me, mom, dad, sleep." the elf explained.  "What are you saying?  My parents are both sleeping.  So why don't they wake up?" she asked in an angry tone.

"Me, wake up," he said then he waved his rod and slowly but surely, her mother and fathers eyes open, with a deep gasp of air.   "Mom, dad!" Sunny cried as she saw their eyes open.  "Sunny, are you alright?" asked her mother  "That's what I was about to ask you." she replied  "Wow, that was a crazy crash.  Thank goodness when are still alive." said Sunny's father as she also gave him a hug.   "Dad we need to call for help.  We're on a small island," explained Sunny.  "How long have you been awake?" her father asked   "For a pretty long while." his daughter replied.   "Wait, the chopper doesn't look damaged.  Maybe it still works," said her father as he started to work on the helicopter hoping to get it running.    Then suddenly, the motor came on.  "Honey you did it.  Let's go home.  I feel very tired and beat up." said Sunny's mother  "You and I both, let's go home." he said as the chopper was getting warmed up.

Sunny suddenly remember Goldy.  "Wait, I forgot something.  Give me a minute I'll be right back she said.   Sunny ran out of the chopper and towards the grass field.  "Goldy! Goldy!  show yourself." she screamed.   Then like magic, the harvest sun elf appeared over her head.  "Sunny, happy now?" he said.  "Yes, I'm happy.  Thank you.  I know what you do.  I understand now what you meant when you said you fixed my parents.  Thank you so much." she said with a big smile.  "You're welcome. Sunny must go now. Me, going to miss Sunny." he replied  "Sunny going to miss Goldy too.  Here, take this for you.  Now every time you play with the marbles, you'll remember me." she said as she extended her hand holding the pouch that was filled with marbles.

The elf floated down towards Sunny.  "Gift for me? Sunny no lie. Sunny made me very happy." he replied as he jumped up and down while holding on to the pouch.   Then as he jumped up with joy, Sunny quickly smacked a kiss onto Goldy cheek.  "Goodbye, and thank you," she said

Goldy face was red as the sun, "No, goodbye. Me, see you later someday." he replied with a smile as he floated up to the sky as he waved, then he suddenly vanished.

Sunny wave back with a smile, then she headed back to the helicopter.   "Young lady, for a minute there you had us worry.  Who were you talking to?" asked her mother.   "No one mother, I was talking to myself.  I was hoping I find my cell phone, but I had no luck.   "Well fasten your seat belts we're heading home." said her father

"Thank goodness too that.  It's been too long. Dad make sure when you teach me how to fly this thing, do teach me how to fix it." said Sunny  "Well I will.  But you shouldn't worry, helicopters are known to be very safe. " he replied as he pulled the chopper up to the sky.

"Safe, dad, nothing ever really safe.  All I want now is my warm bed," she replied as she looks up and the clouds.   Then she spotted the sun rays beaming down on the chopper.  "Oh, sweetie, check this out.  Do you see the sun rays?  Legends are that there's a Sun elf that appears once a year to feed on the corn harvest.  But those are only tails." explained her mother 

"Really mother? Only tails?  If you say so." she replied  Then she spotted Goldy flying from a distance, still waving goodbye."  Sunny smile and waved back, not telling her parents of the adventure she just had with the Harvest Sun Elf, that she just said didn't exist.

She never told her parents what happen.  That was a secret that she kept to herself for many many years.  Sunny knew the elf saved her parents and that was a good deed that she'll never forget.

The End

Maria Pagan

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