Harvest Sun - Need Help

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Goldy the Harvest Sun Elf, was crying bright golden tears.   Then where ever the tears landed, the spot will shine up like gold.   "Sunny doesn't like Goldy.  I'll get corn and then go back home.  "Humans make me feel bad. I never do anything wrong. I just want to play games." the Harvest Sun Elf muttered as he flew towards the Harvest Corn, where he gathered a wagon filled with corn.  

"I'm the Harvest Elf. Who only visits once a year.  When the harvest of the sun is ready to eat, we elf's are the first ones here.  The mention is to gather food for the elders as well as myself.  No, contact with humans that are a rule.  But my mind is like a child.  I like to play games, I do! That's just the child in me. Humans don't understand me, for I think I'm really bushy.

The elf songs as he picked the best pieces of corn.  But for some reason, he couldn't get Sunny off his mind.

Meanwhile. Sunny continued to call out for her parents when she spotted parts of the chopper scattered on the ground.  The further she walked, the more parts she saw.  "Mom, Dad, please if you alright answer me!" she screams hoping to get an answer.

When she saw the helicopter.  It was only feet away from her reach.  "Mom, Dad!" Sunny screamed as she ran towards the wrecked chopper.   Then suddenly,   when she reaches the chopper she quickly saw her patients, unconscious.   She proceeded to walk towards then out from the other side of the helicopter wreck when out came a loud roar which quickly stopped Sunny on her tracks.  "My goodness, what was that?" she thought as he glanced around while at the same time trying not to make a sound.

Then before she could get to her parents the helicopter moved forward as the large leopard jump on top of the chopper which was now laying on its side.  The beast had smelled blood.  He was a hunter.  To the beast, he found the chopper first.  As he roars loud and fearest.  Sunny slowly stepped back, slowly trying her best not to alarm the leopard.  "No, this is not happening.  Maybe this is while that little creature didn't want me to see.  My parents took dead from here and soon, I'll be joining them if this creature gets its claws on me." she thought as she continued to walk back.

Back at the Harvest Cornfields, Goldy quickly stopped what he was doing.  When he heard the leopard's roar, followed by Sunny's screams.  "Oh, no! Danger! No hurt! Must help!" he whispered when he suddenly waved his rod and a flying carpet appeared from within the cane.

"Follow that cry!" the elf said    He then jumped on top of the flying carpet.  The carpet took off at high speed.  Following Sunny's cries for help.  While Sunny quickly jumped into the chopper trying to lock the door.  She pushed her unconscious patients to the side as she closes the chopper door.  The Leopard slammed its body into the chopper's door.

"My goodness, sorry mom, dad, I'm so sorry. Please, someone, help me! Help! Go away! Get away from me!" she screamed   Sunny was so scared. Her life was passing her right before her eyes.  She glanced at her patients with so much sadness in her eyes.  "I never thought this was the way will end for me." she thought as the Leopard roar and scratched while banging on the chopper's door and windows.

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