Not good enough

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((so i feel like all my chapters are rushed, like the storylines, would you guys like me to make them longer, go in more detail, Cause idk i feel like im a bad author. Helppp)))

I knocked on the trap house door and Sam opened it, a smile on his face.
"Hey y/n."
"Hi Sammy."

"Colby's on his way. He'll be here in five minutes."
"So i wanted to talk."
"You and Colby and stuff." He shrugged.

"Okay..?" i bit my lip, nervously.

"You and Colby have been friends for months, you hangout almost everyday.."
"Okay and?"

"i mean, It's obvious Colby likes you, he told you, you never said anything back and, i don't think he deserves this."

"what? Colby and i are good friends, i thought he was kidding, i mean, im not sure how i feel about him, I need time."

"y/n, im not sorry about saying this, but you aren't exactly good enough for Colby. Its been fucking months, he's taken you on plenty of almost dates. Honestly, You don't deserve him. In fact you keep leading him on, just fucking decide if you want him or not."

"Seriously? Its my life Sam! i care deeply about Colby, im just not sure if it's in that way."

"Whatever y/n, You aren't even worth Colby's headache, he can do so much better than you, you ain't shit compared to him. Fuck you.
Colby should've met someone else!" He yelled, and i felt that, my heart, it stung. i wanted to cry but i kept my game face on.

"Im sorry? I used to think you were an awesome person Sam but now im just starting to think you're an asshole!" I yelled and he sighed.

"Y/n...seriously...Its the truth. God dang it, You keep leading him on, im just not seeing why he's so in love with you." He had a judgemental look on his face.

"Fuck you!" i yelled, leaving, slamming the front door on my way out.

Colby arrived as i drove off in tears.

Sam was fucking right, i'd never be good enough for Colby, and i did lead him on, i am a piece of shit. I got into my apartment and cried, falling into slumber.


(Its been a week or so)

Colbys been non stop calling and i couldn't bare to answer anyways. After all, i had to move on, so did he.

He deserved better than anything i've ever given him

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He deserved better than anything i've ever given him.
I was planing on just letting him go, he'd move on eventually, realize, i ain't shit. Like Sam said. He'll convince him to get over me anyways.

My phone buzzed alot, and i checked the notifications, it was Colby, of course.

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I closed my phone sighing

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I closed my phone sighing.
i did Love Colby. But after everything Sam said, it was way too late to decide, my time was up.

There was a knock on my door and i walked towards it, opening it.

Colby stood there, he was wet from the rain, and i bit my lip.

"hi." i spoke softly.
He didn't reply, he just stood there staring at me, and he quickly leaned in, pulling me into a hug.
He pulled away, staring into my eyes.
"I missed you y/n. Sam's so sorry about everything he said, he was just mad. And i'm sorry too. I shouldn't have let you believe it. You are the most fucking amazing girl i've ever met and that's why i've been utterly in love with you since we met, it's fucking crazy. Wow. You're so fucking perfect, like it's been months and i still can't believe you're so perfect and beautiful, i just wanted you to know that."
He smiled lightly.

"Colby, i don't even know how to reply."

"How about, just kissing me." He bit his lip,

"But everything- i mean, you could do better."

"No i can't and even if i could, i don't want to. I want you."

I leaned in, my lips pressed against his, he tasted like skittles and i loved it.

i pulled away, smiling at him, "I can really taste the rainbow."

He laughed, "You're a weirdo."

"Your weirdo."

He kissed my head and i smiled, "I have extra clothes for you."

We walked into my room and he changed, hopping into bed with me, holding me in his arms.

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