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I walked into the trap house into the large crowd of people dancing, the loud music echoed in my ear, i finally found the girls in the crowd. "Hey babe!" Kat hugged me tightly, i smiled and hugged her back. "Are we getting drunk tonight?!" Devyn smirked and i nodded, she gave me a shot she was holding and i shot it down my throat. I knew the girls from filming youtube videos with them for my channel, Brennen and Colby had introduced me to them. I began dancing with Kat and Devyn and tara.

After sometime of dancing the girls and i took some more shots in the kitchen and thats when we ran into Colby and Brennen, Colby smiled at me as i leaned in for a hug, "How you been Colbs?" I asked nicely, "Im great you?" He responded, "good!"
"Here for shots?" He asked, i nodded as he poured shots for the girls and I. I knew Colby from a bar where he hit on me and i told him i wasn't interested, ahaha awkward, and he's the one who introduced me to Brennen and the girls, and i just got close with the gang with time, suddenly I noticed as Corey hugged Devyn from behind as Colby handed her two shots, they were so cute together. Colby handed Kat some shots and Sam poured himself two across the island as he smiled at Kat, Colby then handed me my shots and himself two, we all raised our shot glasses to the ceiling and said cheers as we knocked our glasses, we then took the two shots back to back. Colby looked at me as i put down my shot glasses and i smiled at him, "what do you want?" "Nothing," He looked away with a smile, "Let's play slap cup!" Brennen yelled and we all got excited, we grabbed red solo cups and placed them in the middle filling them with alcohol, Colby and i started the game with the ping pong ball in hand.
"Go!" Devyn yelled, i began trying to get the ball in the empty cup in front of me and i quickly noticed Colby get his ball in first try and he smacked my solo cup down meaning i had to drink a drink from the middle of the table. He passed his cup down to Sam, who began doing the same as me, i finally got the ball in the cup and passed it down. Colby turned to me and wiggled his eyebrows as i rolled my eyes,
"I absolutely could have beat you if i was more concentrated." He shrugged, "whatever you say."
The game ended after some time, and i felt myself get giggly, i knew i was tipsy.

Kat and Devyn and Tara climbed up on the island in the kitchen and began dancing, they pulled me up and i joined, grinding against Kat, she hyped me up and i looked down to see Colby smirking as he watched me dance. The kitchen began to get crowded and more people danced with us. Colby climbed up suddenly and handed me a shot, he took one with me and we handed our shot glasses down to Brennen who disposed of them. I continued to dance on Kat, until i suddenly felt Colby grab me and pull me towards him, my breathe hitched as we were so close, "Keep dancing." He said, i bit my lip and continued to dance but this time against Colby, i shuffled my hair as i danced against him, his hands on my hips, going with my movements. I shut my eyes and felt Colby's body against my own and smirked to myself, "You wanna go upstairs?" Colby spoke into my ear, i nodded quickly and hopped off the counter, Colby followed and i held his hand as i pulled him through the crowd, pulling him upstairs into his bedroom, he locked the door, he turned towards me and pushed me onto the bed as he climbed on-top of me kissing me aggressively. He pulled my shirt off my body, taking off his own at the same time, he kissed my chest as he unhooked my bra, i pulled him onto my lips, my other hand reaching down and grabbing at his dick. I bit his lip as i pulled away from our kiss, pushing him to stand up, i pushed him on the bed this time and undid his jeans, pulling them off of him, then i unzipped my skirt and climbed on top of him, grinding against him in his boxers. He grabbed my tits as we continued to make out.

I awoke to a blur of a night, i suddenly grasped the thought of the familiar bedroom. I turned to Colby laying asleep naked next to me. I smirked at myself giving myself a mental props remembering everything we did, I put on my clothes and left the trap house, saying bye to Sam and Kat in the kitchen while they drank some coffee on my way out. "She fucked Colby last night didn't she?" Sam stated as i opened the front door to leave, "She definitely did. Did you see the huge hickey on her neck?" Kat responded, i shut the door closed making my way to my car. Walk of shame.

Three days later

My phone buzzed as i covered my hickey with makeup before i was going to film my next video.
I picked it up and saw a notification from Brennen.

Party my house tonight, everyones coming.
Can you make it?

Y/n💖: of course i can. I'll bring some drinks.

I got to Brennen's early, i walked in finding Brennen, Colby, Sam, Corey, Kat and Devyn and Jake in the living room, they all smiled at me, "Hey y/n!" Most of them said, "Hey guys." I put down three bottles of tequila on Brennen's coffee table. "Damn, you're not still hungover from the other night?" Corey laughed, i rolled my eyes, "thankfully not." I looked over at Colby who winked at me, i looked down at his neck, there was a small but noticeable faded hickey, i smirked. I sat next to him as we all began talking, suddenly the apartment door opened and Aaron walked in, "Where the hell is Kobe, he's the only one i came for." We chuckled at him as Kobe hopped off Brennen's lap running to Aaron. "Hey Kobs." Aaron patted him.

The party got bigger with time, Colby and i still sat on the couch as the rest of the gang was around the apartment. "Nice hickey." I said as Colby shut his phone. He grabbed his red solo cup off the coffee table, taking a sip, "A really hot girl left it on me, i'm honestly offended though, it's been three days since and she hasn't texted me or called, i was used," He made a sad face, "Awn sorry Colby, i bet she's just found someone new." I smirked, he rolled his eyes,
"Shut up y/n." I raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "make me." He quickly grabbed my by the back of my neck and pulled me onto his lips, i kissed him back roughly, He pulled away quickly and got up, putting his drink down, grabbing me by my arm and pulling me out of the apartment, he shut the door and kissed me pushing me against the wall in the hallway, "Let's go back to my place." he said out of breath as he pulled away, he held my hand as we walked down to the parking lot to his car.

Colby pulled me inside, i shut the door behind me as he pulled me into the kitchen, he picked me up and sat me up on the kitchen island, kissing me harder than before, i pulled his shirt off his back, we continued to kiss as he took my shirt off, he flipped me to lay me on my stomach, my ass hanging off the counter, he spit on my pussy and then wet his dick, sliding it slowly into me, i moaned loudly as he went faster, he had a fistful of my hair, and he pulled it enough so my head was looking upwards at him, he smiled at me as he continued to fuck me and i smirked as i moaned, my eyes going into the back of my head, Colby groaned as i did so, "Youre so sexy." He said in a lustful voice and i moaned again,
"Your dick feels so good." I moaned, he smirked as he pounded into me rapidly, i felt his dick twitch and he came inside me quickly after. He pulled his pants up and i put my clothes back on, i wasn't sure what to say. "I love fucking you." He said as he grabbed my neck and pulled me into a kiss, i kissed him and moaned, still being super turned on. "You can keep fucking me for as long as you want, i love it too." I bit my lip, "Let's go watch a movie in my room, and we can do it again in a bit." He offered. We went up into his bedroom and turned on a movie, i laid next to him awkwardly and he pulled me onto his chest,
"I love sex with you, but i've also liked you since i hit on you at the bar." He confessed. "I guess rejecting you brought more into my life than if i would have said yes. I like you too Colbs. You're my best friend, and you're so good at sex." I groaned, he lifted my head with his hand and pressed a kiss on my lips.

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