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The word was stuck to my mind. No drinks. Really?
She was avoiding me. She declined my offer, I felt like i deserved this though..i have no idea what i'm even looking for from her, it's best off we leave each other alone, more me than her. As we filmed out video in the backyard with the crew, Jake picked up his phone and jumped up into the video.

"Yo guys! I have a date with y/n , her youtube channel is y/nadventures and im *bleep*ing going on a date with her tonight! Yet again but she said she is certain its going to work out for us!" He yelled, I glared at him. i hated him. I wasn't perfect like fucking Jake cause he was sweet and romantic bleh. Fuck off Jake.
"You know we're gonna edit that out right ?" Sam chuckled at Jake and he nodded, "yeah i know i'm just excited!" He had a huge smile on his face.
"Well what about Colby. She's been at the house like all week with him in bed." Corey said from behind and i looked at him and threw a water balloon, which was for the video, at him for exposing it.
"Colby doesn't have shit on me." Jake shrugged it off and i laughed at him.
"Weren't you two just fuck friends?" Sam raised an eyebrow and i shrugged,
"Who fucking cares what we were or..are." I smirked, "either way she ditched you for me for the past two months like over ten times, i think we know who she really fucks with." Jake crossed his arms and laughed, "Just wait until i fuck her, then she'll be more obsessed with me than you." He smirked back at me and i laughed again.
"Guys please stop. Kids watch this channel." Devyn said from behind, "And this girl kind of sounds like a whore." She added, i glared at her,
"Devyn shut up, so what she got confused and got with me and jake, at least she was only really doing it with me. Kisses aren't slutty."
"Well i mean how do both of you even know shes not out there fucking with other guys if she's playing with both of you." She replied and i shrugged,
"I couldn't care less, i just liked to fuck her."
Jake bit his lip, "I'm gonna make her realize im the one for her."
"Colby i don't know why you cant admit you like her and Jake you need to do what Colby's doing and make her come to you cause she's just gonna keep hurting you, just make her think she can't have you and she'll treat you like she treats Colby, you're like her puppy now, girls don't like that." Devyn gave Jake some advice he finally needed to hear but y/n wasn't gonna go for him either way cause she doesn't like him.
"I think how both of you are treating this girl is completely wrong and you both should leave her alone unless you guys like her genuinely and wanna make her your girlfriend. Colby you've been fucking around with her and im pretty sure she likes you and you know that which is why you're enjoying is which is fucked up, Jake you on the other hand just is completely in love with her and haven't left her alone, which you need to calm down about and let her come to you. Just chill out guys. What is it with this girl that you're both super into her?" Corey stood there and i sighed, of course Jake got to answer before me.
"She's purely so gorgeous and the dates we've been on guys, she makes me laugh like no one else, she is a great kisser, she's emo which is sexy, she's kind and smart." Jake smiled as he spoke and i stood there repulsed with my arms crossed.
"Colby?" Sam asked, "Tell us."
"I don't like her." I shrugged and they rolled their eyes, "Grow some fucking balls bro. Look into that camera like if she was here." Sam pushed me into the camera and i laughed, "into the camera?"
"Just fucking do it."
"Okay, well, i mean, shes fucking sexy, like smoking, i've seen every angle, and i mean every angle and fuck man, i'm obsessed, we hang out as friends too as you all know, and she just i dont even know, we stay up late together constantly, she makes me feel like i finally have someone, like im not alone, even though i have you guys, sometimes i'd sit alone at night and feel lost and alone and then when i met her i felt like..even if we were friends with benefits that i could text her and she'd be here, that if i wasn't okay she would find a way to make me okay, she knows exactly what to say to make me laugh, she's got an incredible smile, she's fucking beautiful, she's the exact type of girl i want, shes shy but bold, shes insecure but confident, she's independent, she likes everything i do and she loves the movie ratatouille and i'm starting to love it to, last night i had a dream i told her i liked her and fuck man i think shes simply fucking the one, and i think i'm falling in love with her...I think, i wanna be with her.." I let my face fall into my hands and sighed at my own words. I feel stupid. "Sorry guys." I said and walked back into the house.

Jake pov

I glared at Colby as he walked away. I wanted one girl and he took that from me. I was astonished, i deserved her not him.
"Well we have a great clip to send to y/n." Devyn said as she pressed stop on the camera.
"Today's video is a bust though." Corey laughed,
"Should we send it?" Sam said as he grabbed the camera and i shook my head,
"Of course you would say that." Corey gave me a sad look, i rolled my eyes, "Give me another shot at fucking proving her she's made for me."
"Jake, i think it's time to realize..like maybe..you chose the wrong one..I mean..Colby made a statement now that even you couldn't make.." Devyn gave me a hug, "If she likes you she'll ignore Colby's words.."
I stormed off into my room, but then i decided to stop into colby's room. I knocked on his door and he shouted for me to come in.
I walked in and found him on his bed shirtless,
"What?" He said rudely,
"They're sending y/n the clip of you saying what you said.."
"Good, i asked to talk to her and she didn't want to. So, i guess she'll hear it from that."
"Come on Colby, you don't even like her, You fucked around with her for a bit and you'll be over her in no time." I stared at him he sighed,
"Jake just fuck off please, you don't know me and you're trying to get into my head. Dip." I sighed and left the room.

what to do..

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