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It wasn't until I had stopped my rampage across Georgia when I noticed that I had single-handedly destroyed every single Omnic war unit in the entire city. Regaining control over myself, I looked all over myself. My wounds had completely healed. Impossible! The monster inside of me must've been growing stronger. Much stronger. I decided to think later about people's reaction to my destruction because at that moment I went back into the city to help out the civilians trapped in buildings or rubble.

I started doing it all. Pulling people out from under piles of debris, saving crowds from building fires, and even helping to get the injured on stretchers and carried to someone with any kind of medical experience. Every time I helped someone, I couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion within the depths of my soul, resonating deep inside of me.

All the civilians around me were thanking me, patting me on the back, looking up to me as if I were some sort of hero. Even the ones that saw my transformation believed that I had simply refused to die, and would do anything to protect them and their city.

If only they knew...

After some time, when the noise around me had silenced and the local police had started gathering up everybody to evacuate, I was leaning against a skyscraper wall, just deep in thought. I looked out at all of the corpses, both man and machine, and realized that it wasn't just here in Atlanta. This was gonna get worldwide, and I couldn't help but wonder, would the world truly be prepared to fight like I had?

Or would I, a monster, be the only hope mankind has against those war machines?

Talk about a laugh.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw some movement. I was practically wearing rags at this point, completely exposed, but I moved over anyway. There was a trail of blood that led up to a mortally wounded SWAT officer. The plastic on his helmet was cracked, partially missing, and the rest of his uniform and vest, plus his body underneath, looked like it had been turned into Swiss cheese.

I was sick to my stomach, I hadn't seen this much gore from a single person since that incident in high school all those years ago. The man looked up at me, grief and suffering in his eyes.


I knew what he wanted, but I had a hard time bringing myself to do it. I had never intentionally killed another person, and I had always promised myself to be a protector. But this attack happens and it looks like I failed. This man was barely breathing, in a lot of pain. I just stared at him for a while.

After what felt like five minutes I just sighed and picked up his gun.

Doing my best not to hesitate, I pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger

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Doing my best not to hesitate, I pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger. His head rolled over and I saw his entire body go limp. I stood there a moment more, then ran off to rejoin the police and SWAT team to the evacuation zone.


When I had joined everybody from Atlanta in an underground concrete bunker, it was clear that we had some company. There were three people I did not recognize, and they stood out. Their clothes were not battered, they were carrying what looked to be military grade or government specialty equipment, and they seemed to give off professional vibes, like they were the kind of people you want to avoid because they know what they're doing.

The first one stood tall, wearing blue armor and a trench coat, with some kind of tactical eyepiece over his right eye. He was carrying some kind of pulse rifle that had an under-barrel attachment, and he looked like he knew exactly what to do with it. His hair was short and blonde, with a kind of roguish face but at the same time dead serious.

 His hair was short and blonde, with a kind of roguish face but at the same time dead serious

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The second one was female. I don't exactly know how, but she seemed to be a wise person despite looking pretty young. She had a modified sniper rifle with a barrel wide enough to fire darts instead of bullets, and she had some kind of special grenades and pistol strapped to her belt. Her hair was long and jet black, and she was wearing a blue combat outfit and some kind of overcoat not unlike the previous guy.

 Her hair was long and jet black, and she was wearing a blue combat outfit and some kind of overcoat not unlike the previous guy

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The final guy seemed to stand out to me. He had a rough, mean-looking face despite currently having a jokingly smile on it. There were scars and a thick goatee practically covering his face, and he was wearing black combat gear. He had no trench coat, but some visible armor and a whole ton of grenades on his belt. In his hands he was holding two giant shotguns. I wonder if he's compensating for something...

I had yet to actually know it, but pretty soon these people would be responsible for a drastic change of events in the upcoming future

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I had yet to actually know it, but pretty soon these people would be responsible for a drastic change of events in the upcoming future. And that didn't just apply to the world, it applied to me specifically.

I was to join their ranks...

A Hero's Curse: Overwatch OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now