The Battle of the Titans

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Mathias POV

The small part of my brain that was still thinking rationally couldn't believe what I'd just done. I've relinquished my control, nothing but my instincts, rage, and the monster controlling everything I was doing now. I don't think that I've ever even fallen this far into the beast's grasp.

But the rest of me was too busy savoring the feeling while simultaneously battling with the leader of one of the world's largest and most dangerous terrorist groups that also so happened to be just like me, an inner beast finally awoken.

And let me tell you, it felt GOOD. The feeling of total dominance over everything foolish enough to try and stop you was just indescribable. It was almost funny, a bloodlust so thick I could smell it in the air around me through my nostrils. And it was delicious... 

Very soon, that part of me was gone, too. No longer did I care about my surroundings, or my safety, or even myself as a whole. There was nothing in the world except the fiery man in front of me, begging to be torn apart.

And I was only all too happy to oblige...

3rd Person POV

Blow after blow rained down on the two beasts who were once men. As punches were exchanged the rain was still coming down, even harder now. Neither figure was getting wounded from the other's attacks despite the ground around them shaking for every strike that made contact.

Eventually, the attacks were quelled, and the two began circling, keeping their eyes on each other. Doomfist's fiery gaze was only matched by Mathias' unholy red eyes. Both were scowling, showing every feature of their hideous, monstrous expressions.

"How sad," Doomfist said as he continued to move in a circle, "Even though you're the first real challenge I've ever faced, they made you out to be much bigger." He smirked. "Still if I hadn't known any better I'd say that you were a demon straight from Hell coming to collect my soul."

Mathias clenched his fist, his mouth opening to reveal his fanged canine, even longer and sharper than they were before. He hissed at Doomfist, who only laughed at the gesture of intimidation.

"You won't kill me. You can't!" he said, readying himself for another punch with his gauntlet.

"True. I won't just kill you, I'LL DESTROY YOU!!!"

Suddenly Mathias closed the large gap between them in an instant. Doomfist was too slow to react and felt heavy pain in his abdomen. Before he could scream, his neck felt like it had been stabbed with two sharp blades. Pain seared through his body, spreading out from his neck. Mathias was on his left side, and Doomfist grabbed him with his gauntlet before throwing him into a nearby building, causing it to collapse.

Blood was following Mathias through the air, leaving a brief crimson trail behind him until he crashed. The building fell on him, causing a massive dust cloud to form up from the debris. As the dust settled all that remained of the building was piles of concrete and rubble.

Doomfist put his hand on his neck. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but he could feel two small holes along his skin, right above the artery. Mathias had bitten him! His teeth had actually harmed him!

Looking down now, Doomfist then saw what Mathias had used to cause the pain in his torso. A glowing red tomahawk with a skull on it was sticking out of his body. He yanked it out, causing the wound to bleed a little more but it had sealed again quickly.

Doomfist looked out to the rubble, expecting Mathias. Surely it couldn't be this easy, even if Mathias was only half as powerful as he was. He kept his gaze at the ruined building's piles and piles of rubble.

A Hero's Curse: Overwatch OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now