News of Something Terrible

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It has been 30 years since the Omnic Crisis. In that time, plenty has happened. First off, I officially I strike fear into hardened criminals, as over time I had made my presence known. I strike them from the shadows, completely silent and with the power of a hundred men, before disappearing back into the darkness as if I was never even there. I still didn't have a costume like Batman or anything, but I used that to my advantage, as they don't know who I am until I make my move against them. In other words, I have been successful thus far.

The second thing that has happened was that the Swiss Overwatch Base exploded mysteriously, claiming dozens of lives. Nobody knows what caused the explosion, but it showed the public that even the best of the best united are not invincible. People started distrusting Overwatch, and there were more than a few public rallies and protests against them.

That ended up causing a third major event; The Petras Act. All Overwatch activity was now illegal and punishable by prosecution. The public just seemed to deny that Overwatch did any good for them at all. Maybe my instincts all those years ago with Jack, Ana, and Gabriel were right, and I did the right thing not joining. The last thing I need is to be swarmed by angry civilians wherever I go.

Finally, an event I witnessed firsthand. I had been sneaking around the quieter side of Atlanta, eavesdropping on conversations from many different people and omnics. It seemed like I was hearing the same rumors; Mondatta, the omnic prime minister of the United Kingdom, was to be giving a major speech to everyone about tranquility and unity. Many people were treating it as a joke, some even wishing that something goes wrong during the speech and someone gets killed.

Man, sometimes I find my peers to be really immature and reckless.

I decided if the talks were like this here, I better witness the speech to see if anything goes wrong, just in case. Hearing a little more, it turns out the speech was in three days. I headed off towards the airport.

Being a vigilante comes with a steep price. I am not paid for my services, so new clothes or food are big rewards by themselves, but a passport would be impossible to get, especially with so little known of me in the first place. Normally I just scrounged around and never took more than I needed, but this was a little different.

Remember how I said I was really stealthy, that I could just strike from the shadows and remain entirely silent? Well, I may have a bit of a secret to that. I call it my "Vampire Cloak." It renders me completely invisible, even to thermal and carbon dioxide vision, but it's a strain to use, both physically and spiritually. But given the circumstances, I had little choice in the matter.

I got into the airport without any trouble before moving into a nearby bathroom. I checked around me to make sure I was alone, then walked into the stall. Taking a deep breath, I felt the slight tingle surround my body. I was entirely impossible to see, by the human eye or otherwise. I just need to be careful not to bump into anything or anyone to draw attention to myself. Moving slowly, I managed to get past all the security guards, metal detectors, and all that.

I saw an exit leading to the plane loading station. Taking it, I walked over to the plane and grabbed the front wheel. I never stopped concentrating on my cloaking ability, but it was about another half hour when the plane started moving. Hanging on for dear life, I felt the strong winds blowing against my invisible form. After what seemed like a painful eternity, the plane lifted into the air and the wheels pulled in. I was in a small area that seemed directly under the cockpit of the plane. There was barely enough room for me, and it was so dark that I stopped using my Vampire Cloak. It had exhausted me, and so I just laid down and fell unconscious.

I was abruptly woken up about eight hours later when the wheel thing opened again. I felt partially rested, but I had to do this again. I latched on to the wheel and cloaked myself. The plane landed rather quickly and I jumped off. I started running, still invisible, towards Big Ben, the only monument I recognized. 

I scaled the clock tower and looked around once I was at the top. There was an empty area being set up for something huge, probably the speech, which was now in two days. I yawned and stretched my arms. Being stuck by the plane's wheel was very uncomfortable, and I was still tired. Not putting anymore thought into it, I saw a nearby bench down by the streets. Climbing down, I practically fell into it, and once again, fell into a deep sleep.

A Hero's Curse: Overwatch OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now