My First Mission

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Mathias POV

I went to my room and slammed the door. Putting both hands on my head and dropping to my knees, I grunted really loudly.


My other side had almost taken over again, and now I was feeling its drawback effects from fighting it off. I started taking deeper breaths to calm myself down, reminding myself that they didn't see me get possessed, and that I was okay...

There was a knock at the door, followed by a voice.

"Mathias? Are you in there?"

That voice. Obviously it wasn't the exact same, but close enough. I already knew who it was. Picking myself off the ground, I walked up and opened the door, semi-surprised at who was standing there.

"Mathias... After all this time, and you still look the same."

"Yeah, I guess I'm just well preserved. Have the years been hard on you, Ana?"

She seemed surprised that she even remembered her name after all those years. She had changed a bit though. Her hair was gray and her skin wrinkled. She was wearing an eyepatch indicating that her right eye was missing. Ana's outfit consisted of a hooded combat suit, and she was still wielding a modified sniper rifle and those grenades and pistol on her belt.

 Ana's outfit consisted of a hooded combat suit, and she was still wielding a modified sniper rifle and those grenades and pistol on her belt

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And yet despite her age, her wisdom, confidence, and skill seemed to stand out to me. I'd definitely don't want to mess with her in the near future.

"I heard about what you'd done to my daughter in the ring. She's not seriously injured, but I think she's learned her lesson about underestimating you," she said.

"Wait. That was your daughter I just knocked out?" I was legitimately surprised. She nodded.

"So... who's the father?"

She pulled me closer and whispered in my ear. Then she swore me to secrecy, promising never to tell anyone.

"How can you trust me?"

"Because I know what you're hiding..."

I pulled back from her and gave her a doubtful look. She chuckled.

"Mathias, we all have our secrets. Besides, I know you more than anyone else here."

"What happened to Jack and Gabriel?" Her eye seemed to well up, and her expression fell. I thought that I may have asked a question I wasn't supposed to.

"When the Swiss Headquarters exploded, we couldn't find their bodies," Ana said sadly, "Two of the best men I've ever known, gone in an instant. And without their remains, we couldn't even have a proper funeral for them."

She was actually crying at this point. I put my arm around her, trying to comfort her. I personally felt nothing, for I never really knew them, but how could I just stand there and do nothing? She pulled out of my grip.

A Hero's Curse: Overwatch OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now