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I feel a hand on my shoulder and my eyes immediately snap open. I fumble for my knife, sitting straight up. It isn't there! Where...?

I relax when I see Coral, holding my knife.

"I thought you might do that." She smiles ever so slightly. "I need to be smart, eh?"

I nod, smiling myself. "Get some rest."

She nods, shifting on her branch until she's comfortable. I watch her as she falls asleep. Creepy, I know, but I don't care that much right now.

When she falls asleep, I look out through the leaves.

Then I hear a snore.

I whip around, searching for the source. I see Ingrid, her mouth tilted open, small snores escaping her. Oh no.

I pull off my bag and slip it under her head. She stops. Thank goodness.

I look out into the sky again. The moon is setting. Finally, I'm tired of the night.

I look down. And I see light.

I catch my breath. I squint my eyes as the light source - 2 torches - comes through the forest, the light glinting off of a sword, a silver bow, and a belt full of throwing knives.


The Careers.

Then I hear the dreaded snoring again. My instincts act before I do, and I clamp a hand over her mouth. Her eyes snap open, and she flails. I stick my head above hers and point towards the light, which is moving towards us.

She does a slight gasp but stops it and nods. I mouth a 'sorry' and motion to the knife she's carrying. We wake up everyone and they ready they're knives.

I see Max first as he stands directly under my branch. I can tell all of my allies are holding their breaths. Then Jenni and Carter come into view, and after them Dea and Carver.

"I think I see something!" Max shout-whispers. I can tell he's looking at me.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

I can't move or I'll confirm his suspicions. But I want to move, to get away from his sight. I just hold my position and do my best to look like a tree branch.

All of the Careers stand around him, following his eyes. Now all of them are looking at me. I hope they don't see my allies, who are slightly behind me, closer to the trunk.

Jenni grabs a throwing knife from her belt. I brace myself for pain.

She doesn't throw. She's just protecting herself. I still don't release my breath, I'm not safe yet.

Dea is holding a bow and has a quiver strung over her shoulders. She loads an arrow, and aims it at me.

Lucky me, she isn't the best shot. The arrow lodges into the trunk behind me, over my allies' heads.

Carver is holding a sword along with his torch. He hands the torch to Dea and grabs the branch below him, a branch that is all to thin for him.

He puts his whole weight on it, and it snaps. He falls with a thud to the ground and huffs.

Carter tries next. He is holding an axe.

"Why don't we just chop it down?" He suggests.

"No!" Jenni says, growling at him. "We don't even know if that's a tribute. I don't see a blinking tracker. Do you?"

Carter huffs in defeat.

Max jabs the tree with his trident, breaking off bark. He shifts the torch in his hands. "Lets go. We'll have better luck somewhere else."

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