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I open my eyes against blinding light. My vision is fuzzy, and so is my head.

Is this heaven? The afterlife?

No, it isn't. My eyes begin to adjust and I make out the shape of a lamp above my head, shining light into my eyes.

My chest hurts. It feels like I'm only getting half of my oxygen.

Am I?

I look down at my body. I have on a white gown that disappears under white sheets. A clear tube runs from an odd machine up to my face. A breathing tube, maybe?

Wait... I'm alive?


Why am I alive?


Did she kill herself? Did she win with me? What's happened to her?

My head begins to pound with thoughts and I feel a liquid seep into my veins from somewhere in my arm. My world fades again.


A door slides open in front of me. An Avox appears, holding a small tray of food. She places the tray on my lap and adjusts my bed so I can eat.

"Ingrid?" I ask. My voice comes out horribly scratchy. "What happened to Ingrid?"

The Avox looks at me and shakes her head. She mouths 'Sorry'. I see the red stub of her tongue, where it had been cut off.

I lower my head. "Did she kill herself? Did she save my life?"

The Avox nods twice.

Tears form in the corners of my eyes. "Thank you." I whisper.

She nods, stands, bows slightly, and disappears out the door.

I look down at my plate. A small bowl of soup sits, steaming. A tiny loaf of bread and a cup of water are also on the plate.

I nibble on the bread and then shove it away. I can't eat. Not now.

Not after the Games.


Very short chapter 😁 Sorry! Bit of a filler.


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