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"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the Victor of the 16th annual Hunger Games....Simon McCarthy!"

Shakily, Simon stepped up onto the glass podium in front of District 9's Justice Building, and faced the sea of people before him. He glanced at his fiance, and she nodded solemnly. Praise was always so sure of everything; Simon didn't think he could cope. Images of his Games would sneak into his brain and lodge themselves there, haunting both his waking and sleeping hours.

Taking a deep breath, he began to read from the script his escort had provided, full of gratitude and thanks to the ever generous Capitol. Not that there was much to be grateful for.


"Simon, I've been thinking. We know, or at the very least expect, that any child of ours will be in the arena. And the only way to protect them is to give them a chance... a chance at survival," Praise McCarthy hesitates, and sneaks a sideways glance at her husband, to make sure he is still concentrating - 4 years on, and he still slips into his own frightful world, where it is just him and the arena.

But it is worse when the moon, sun and innocent, twinkling stars replace the bright shining sun. Thankfully, his gaze is still solid and intent.

"As a Vic...higher member of society, you have contacts. And contacts mean resources."

"What has this got to do with anything?" Simons voice rises slightly as he finishes the sentence.

Praise rubs his back soothingly, "Shh, it's okay, your going to be okay. My point is, Careers win. They train hard, they fight hard. So wouldn't it be sensible to be like them? Your associates can bring you weapons, accessories, knowledge. Our daughters will be prepared. Prepared for anything," She gestures to the sleeping baby in the crib, and the silent toddler watching with knowing eyes.

"And of course, there is our other....request to think about."

The two adults sit around the kitchen table and discuss their options, but quietly, as if someone will arrest them for terrible crimes. As the baby begins to stir, the couple come to an agreement.

When Simon speaks next, he is not scared, nor angry. He is determined. His words speak meaning.



So, hello readers. I have installed your next update for you, as promised, and I hope you like it! Comment, Vote, Like, etc... I will update as soon as I can.

The rest of the chapters will be in the POV of the main character, Adelaide. I think this will help get her point across better. The main chapters will also be longer.

Izzie :)

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