Chapter 3.

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Greetings readers! Sorry about the wait. I was on holiday just there and didn't have my laptop to update... So, here is the next part! Hope you like it and if anybody has any ideas for the storyline i'm completely open to take them! :)

OH! And spelling mistakes, there's a bunch of 'S' letters missing because my S button was being a cunt. Other mistakes, well I send my apologies.


Louis was being his usual self, jumping around the car. The other three boys Liam, Zayn and Harry where laughing so hard they where almost not breathing. But Niall, Well he was sat with his knees to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs and his head leaning on his knees. He was getting annoyed with their constant yelling. He groaned as he ran his right hand through his hair, then looked up,

'Paul? When'll we be at the studio?' He asked,

Paul looked back at him in the mirror, a slight frown on his face at the sight of the young boy but turned most of his attention to the road again,

'Uhm, It's just five minutes away, son'

Niall nodded slightly, leaning his head back on his knee and looking out the window trying to block the others out. It didn't work though, they seemed to get louder and louder by the seconds. The van pulled to a stop outside a rather large studio with a few hundred girls outside, the four boys cheered but Niall groaned,

'SHUT THE FUCK UP! IT'S FAR TOO EARLY TO BE SCREAMING AND CARRYING ON! So, please just shut the bloody hell up!' Niall yelled before glaring at each of them, pulling his hood up and sliding the van door open and stepping out. He kept his head down and walked into the venue, unlike the other four who where stunned by his outburst but still shuffled out of the van and signed some autographs before getting into the reception area of the studio.

Paul walked up to the receptionist, found out where they were to go and started walking that way. Niall kept to the back of the little crowd though. Soon enough they where swept away into makeup and dressing rooms to get ready. Luckily Niall got away with keeping the same outfit on so he never had to go out in short sleeves or anything.


'Thanks for watching, I'm Julia Walker and you've been watching cloud t.v with One Direction!' The host called out to the t.v screen and the audience went wild.  After getting off the stage, the five where quickly taken out a back exit and into their black SUV.  The ride home was very silent. Nobody muttered a word. Everybody seemed to be glued to their phones. Which, honestly made Niall happy that nobody was bothering about his angry moment earlier that morning. 

'There we go boys! Home now. Oh, You don't have anything else to do today. So, just chill out or something..Don't get in too much trouble and I'll call you later' Paul announced.

Everybody piled their way out of the car and into the complex. As they reached the lobby, Niall stopped and turned around just as the others got into the elevator. He walked back out into the streets of London, with his hood up and his hands in his pockets. After five minutes he reached Starbucks, headed in and ordered a Venti Hot Chocolate with cream on the top. Before leaving, he fished his phone from his pocket and turned it off then put it back. 

Niall made his way across the streets of Central London to a massive park near the London Eye and found a parkk bench. People watching. It's something Niall had always done when he wanted to be alone. He'd go to a park or a mall or sometimes an airport, And he'd watch people go by. Exept, he'd try figure out their story. He'd always wondered if someone did that to him, and tried to figure out his story. Niall came out of his thoughts when an elderly woman sat down next to him. She looked up at him, a frown on her face as her eyes scanned every part of him. It had been a few minutes before she spoke up,

'Tell me what is wrong? I can tell there is something' She spoke, her voice was frail but sweet,

'Nothing's wrong, mam' Niall replied, 

'Let me tell you something, No person, ever hurts themselves like you have right there' She pointed to his wrist where his sleeves along with his bracelets had rolled up revealing the marks. He swore under his breath and pulled his sleeve down again. 'For nothing. Now, tell me what is wrong.'

Niall sighed,  but shook his head at her, 

She rolled her eyes, but then went serious. The lady took Nialls hand in hers, and looked into his eyes. She spoke in a comfortingly serious tone,

'I don't know why you do this. I don't know if I want to know, really. But what I do know, is that there are people who care about you and love you. You don't realise it yet. but they do. It does not matter how many people love you. It's about who loves you....' She paused, then let his hand go, sitting back in her seat, 'I had a dear friend. I loved him more than I loved any other person. He was loved by everybody, but he thought nobody did. He did the same as what you do. Pushed himself away. I wish he'd told me. I could have done something about it.. But I was too blind to see he was hurting inside and out. He's dead. Killed himself the night before our wedding. On the note he told me that he thought I pittied him. He thought I was lying when I told him I love him. I didn't lie. He, was my who life.' She spoke, her voice cracking, a small tear running down her face that she quickly wiped away. 'Young man, You should see that people love you. You mean more than you know to them. If you didn't, why would you be with them? Don't end up like him. Open up to someone and let them love you and help you' She continued, then stood up, smiled at him and walked away briskly. 

What if they do like me? What if none of what they say is true?... Nah, she's talking nonsense. He spoke to himself in his mind, before finishing his hot chocolate and heading home.


Like it? I hope so! Like I said before, if there's a part you don't think's right, let me know! I'm open for ideas!  ~Becky x

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