Chapter 12.

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"Now, as you people watching may or may not know, today, we're supposed to interview, the biggest boyband in the world today. But, two days ago, Irish member, Niall Horan was in a tragic accindent in which a lorry hit the taxi he was in. From what we know, the driver didn't make it." The female interviewer paused. "But as for young Niall, I believe he's still breathing. Barely. Meaning the five boys cannot make it for todays show" She stopped, frowning at the end of the sentence.

"Luckily, we managed to get a live broadcast from the hospital in which, the four healthy lads will give us a little update on what's happening." Her co-host spoke, then looked towards a massive screen that now projected a heart-breaking picture.

Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn, were sat on a row of seats, in a hospital ward. As the audience studied each boy, they picked up every single detail. They all had tear stained faces with red blood-shot eyes. Their hair was a mess and their clothes had no effort put into them. They looked broken. But the boy who stood out the most, was Zayn. He sat tucked up in a ball under Harry's arm. His body shook, signifying he was clearly crying his heart out. He had his head between his knees. 

The viewers in the audience, at home, watching online, fan or not a fan, had their hearts sink for this poor, broken boy.

"Morning boys" Amanda, the female presenter spoke gently.

She got a remply of mumbled hellos.

"What's going on over there? What's Nialls condition?" Gary, the co-host asked.

There was a pause. None of the boys knew what to say.

"Ni- Nialls, in pretty bad shape.. They've put him into a coma.. For the brain swelling. He's got a lot of broken bones and..-" Louis couldn't continue. The words he was about to speak had shattered his heart once. Never mind a second time. On Tv. Liam wrapped his arm around Louis, taking over.

"Niall's current situation is touch and go basically. He's in ICU. The doctor's aren't sure whether his body can survive an accident like that. It's a miracle he's still here right now" Liam spoke, holding back another flood of tears.

"Oh my" Amanda had her hand over her mouth in shock. 

"And what about you boys? Are you all okay? Taking care of yourselves?" She asked.

Harry gave a slight nod. "We're trying. None of us want to leave. He's just so frail and we want to be by his side through it all" Harry told her.

Just as Amanda was about to respond, an alarm of some sort went of in the hospital. The camera man  turned his camera to the left, where the door to Niall's room was. All they could see was doctors yelling and dragging machines into his room. Zayns body flinched as he heard a difibulator.  Harry held his body tighter. 

"I-I think we should go" Liam stated, his face covered in a look of pain.

"No! Come on kid! You've made it this far. Don't do this to them now!" A voice yelled from in the room. 

A steady beeping noise came next. 

"He's still breathing".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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