30: Give Me Drink and I Shall Die. What Am I?

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   'WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT!' A pair of eyes locked onto the terrifying being, just as Orachimaru gasped at it in fear. He shook in fear trying to find a way out. A way away from this being of power. The being known as Death. The other who could see it didn't know what it was. Only that it was familiar and scary at the same time.

Orachimaru struggles to get away, his heart pounding in his chest like it was trying to escape from it. He couldn't find a way out of the Thirds hold. Through the Third Hokage's chest the being's hand grabbed his soul. For that was the reason he was called. To eat both fighters' souls and have them fight in his stomach for all eternity.

"NO!" The snake screamed struggling harder to get away. He couldn't die now. He had plans. So many plans. And so much to learn. From the human limits to the limits of chakra. He just couldn't. The old man's strength was hidden by his looks. Orachimaru wasn't escaping by himself. And with his puppets taking care of it was just them locked in battle now.

"I should have stopped you a long time ago," the Third smiled tiredly. "And I finally have." Then the cage like barrier brakes and Orachimaru is ripped from the old man's hands.

Orachimaru's four henchmen flee carrying him away from the battles going on. For the price of a life Orachimaru can no longer use his arms. The only one still there was the blonde. Confused as one would be with having no information about anything going on.

The Shinigami took what he was given and turned to the only other who could see him. Giving a terrifying smile, for who knows why, he started going back to his realm to finish his meal. Not at all missing the blonde who should be dead, but it was death. And frankly the Kyuubi part of that eternal fighting gave him stomach aches.

The eyes of his onlooker, still filled with wonder and fear, blink then nods their head hoping that was what it wanted. With a nod back the Death God was gone.

The battle came to an end. Many of the Sand ninja, with few Leaf ninja or villagers, were lost that day. None were so heart breaking as the lose of the Third Hokage of Leaf. In his place though was the, again, formerly-dead, blonde, Fourth Hokage.

Many cheered for the return of the Namikaze. Though for different reasons, but all leading back to one person. Naruto Uzumaki. Majority cheered for his return to kill the demon. The small majority who knows Naruto personally cheer for his better protection.

Naruto was confused. The Fourth died sealing the Kyuubi into him. So how could he be alive? And why? There is also the fact that he wanted to see him. Joy.

"Naruto Uzumaki," The Fourth smiled at the fidgeting blonde. "It's so good to finally see you." This stopped the blonde's search for a way out; alive.

"I'm sorry?" The preteen took a step back in fear. "Are.... are you here to finish me off?" He stood straighter in hopes of looking calm and collected. Not that he felt that.

"No," the older blonde waved his hands in a relax motion. "We have a lot to talk about. But first I want you to tell me everything you remember from your child hood."

-end for now. I'm not sure if I want to describe Naru-Chan's life or leave it for your imagination. I must ask my manager(cough-girlfriend-cough) what I should do......

Okay I do have a quick question... or two....

1) is my story dragging out to long? Like is it just so long your getting bored, or something along those lines.

2) are the chapters to short? I know some people have like a paragraph as a chapter (exaggerate. Very exaggerated) and some people don't like that (me for one) and some people don't like to long of chapters.

I'm just trying to keep a happy medium. Mostly so that you will reread it again and send it to friends so you can convert.... I mean.... share what you love.... yeah that's what I meant. Share. Not convert. (Please convert them to Shikanaru. There is not enough out there in the world.)


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