22: Pre-Preliminaries

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                              Shikaku's POV

   I watch my son as he hovered over his sleeping mate. The more I watch him the more I hoped everything turned out right. The Naras have had bad times with their mates. I lost mine to a redhead from a different village. But because I didn't want to hurt them, my mate wed another. Then he had a child, only to die soon after.

   Yes I'm talking about the Fourth Hokage, Kanoha's Yellow Streak. He was mine, but he fell for another. I became his shadow to protect him from within the system, and when he left for any reason. He was my world, like Naruto is with my son. I married my wife out of love, but she doesn't completely complete me. I find it funny that my son is mated with Naruto.

   At least this time I made precautions. My son will never know the pain I went through with Minato. He will have his love. Or I will tear this village apart to make it so.

   Naruto twitched in his drugged sleep and Shikamaru gasped like a fangirl getting a date with her crush, "Naru?"

   " 'S to lou'," the blonde whimpered. "F'ng'r lou'," I close the door as I finally walk in. "Hmm."

   "Go back to sleep baby," Shikamaru whispered to the out of it blonde. Who muttered something to slurred to understand. "Father."

   "How is he?" I ask quietly. My son knew my story. As well as the others before me, who lost theirs to different causes.

   "Okay," my miniature me sighed. "I wish the drugs would get out of his system. It's like they pump him full of more everyday." I quickly check the equipment he was hooked up to. "Dad?"

   "I'll be back," I had taken his saline solution out of his arm. "Don't let anyone touch him. Not even the hokage." At first he wanted to question me but one look at his petite mate stopped that.

   I needed to start tearing the village apart it seems. No one hurts my boys. No one.

-Random filler? And it's not even that good. But it does kinda explain why Shikamaru is so possessive and stuff, but you know.... it sucks. But I wrote something. Also! Happy 2018.

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