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'Kimberly Merrill constantly sat with her nose in a book,' is what the others would say. Only the brave would ever dare say anything to her face, in fear of her gruesome brother. School legend has it, that if you made Kimberly upset, you could find her brother about an hour later with bloody knuckles.

So people feared her, just like they feared her brother. Luckily though, school was currently out, so Kim could live her life in peace.

She sat on her couch, with her legs crossed, and pressed up against her. She was completely engaged in the book in front of her, and it was as if nothing else existed around her. It was just Kimberly, and the story that surrounded her.

"In the end, we all become stories." Kim read the sentence in complete awe, as her brother starred at her with nothing but confusion buried in his face.

She took her face away from the page for a moment, and met eyes with her brother. "Isn't that wonderful?" Kimberly spoke, with pure bliss in every word.

"I truly wish I cared, but in the meantime, go to your room. My friends are coming over." Ace sighed, and Kim frowned. Ace typically preferred Kim to be in her room when his friends came over, so she didn't get to see them much.

"Why can't I just stick around?" Kimberly begged. She wanted to get to know 'The Cobras' better, because of her desperate desire to find out which group of poor kids her brother was targeting.

"My friends are all assholes, they'll be a bad influence on you." Ace tried to say any excuse that popped into his head.

"First of all, you're the lead asshole so I wouldn't be talking. And second of all, I'm staying." Kim stated with pure confidence. She wasn't as confident as she seemed, but she had to seem believable.

Ace opened his mouth as he tried to find words to shoot back, wanting his little sister to stay away from his gang at all costs.

There was a violent pound on the door that made Kimberly jump in her seat.

In the blink of an eye, the door whipped open to reveal the large group of bullies, who poured into the living room.

"Oh Ace you finally let your little sister be around us!" Billy Tessio announced, and smirked wildly.

"Whatcha readin?" Eyeball questioned sarcastically, swiping the book right out of Kim's grasp.

"Hey dickbreath, give me my book back." Kimberly demanded.

"Well you little shit stain, I guess you do learn new vocabulary from these wastes of time." Eyeball fires back an insult, referring to the book in his hand, and refusing to lose to someone younger then him.

Although Kimberly knew that messing with the wrong people was a bad idea, her personality got in the way of common sense.

"Maybe you should read a little, because the list of words that you know is probably smaller then your dick size, and that says a lot." The words came out of Kimberly's mouth before they even popped into her head.

The tension could be felt from a mile away, and some "ooooo's" could be heard through the crowd of cobras. But this was no time for silence or tension, because insults shot into Eyeballs head faster then anyone could react.

"Well you little slut, I hope you have fun entering the school bathrooms with a different guy every time becaus-" Eyeball couldn't even finish his sentence, because Ace finished it for him.

"If you say another damn word, I'll rip out your tongue and tie it around your neck." Ace remarked, standing up and ending the fight completely.

Kimberly took that as her cue to leave, so she angrily stomped out of the door, and started walking around her neighborhood.

Honey • Chris ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now