• five •

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It was night, and the friends were all sitting around a fire, roasting marshmallows.

Once Kimberly's was golden, she stuck it into her mouth. Everyone had their own preference of how much they liked it roasted, but Vern's marshmallow was just unfortunate.

Vern's marshmallow, (which was basically just ashes on a stick) fell into the fire. It was impossible to be surprised since everyone knew it was gonna happen eventually, but everybody giggled.

"Oh man! You got anymore, Gordie?" Vern asked.

"Sorry, Vern." Gordie stuttered in a fit of small laughter.

"Why don't you eat you dick?" Teddy suggested, in a fit of his own giggles.

"It'd be a pretty small meal." Chris added.

But Vern poked at the fire, and eventually retrieved his 'marshmallow.'

"Screw you guys, I got it!" Vern teased.

For a moment, there was silence. Kimberly Merrill never forgot that moment, because it seems as if they were the only people alive. It was just Vern, Kim, Teddy, Chris, and Gordie against the world - and well, Ray Brower. The moment was perfect. The sounds of crickets and the fire crackling. The burning fiery colors reflected on everyone's faces, which made the area seem cozy.

Chris Chambers eyes wasn't on the fire, though. He was fixed on Kimberly's face. Her eyes glowed by the flames, as if they truly meant something to her. In her eyes, Chris saw Kim's thoughts, and he knew that they were thinking the same thing. I'll go to my house, and get neglected or abused by my stupid family. I'll never have more moments like this, when it's just me, my closest friends, and this feeling in my chest of being whole.

Chris didn't just read her eyes though, he examined all the little details in Kim's face. He thought each one was perfect. Of course, then he remembered Ace and looked away.

Eventually, Kimberly lit up a couple cigarettes and passed them to everyone else.

"Nothin' like a smoke after a meal." Chris said.

Vern nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey, Gordie's why don't you tell us one of your stories?" Chris suggested.

Kimberly immediately got interested. "You write stories?" She asked with amazement.

"Oh yeah, he writes them alright. They're great. It's like he's a real writer. Sincerely!" Vern mentioned.

Gordie blushed. "Yeah, I write a story or two." He said with embarrassment. Chris rolled his eyes at Gordie's understatement.

Gordie told a story about lardass Hogan, or, Davie Hogan. To everyone, it was a great story. (Besides Teddy having some issues with the ending)

But Kimberly sat there, awestruck.

Vern waved a hand in front of Kimberly's face.

"Hey Kimmy, you good?" Chris said with legitimate concern in his tone.

"Gee Gordie- I mean, that was so creative! Like, you are fuckin' gifted." Kimberly said.

"Thanks." Gordie thanked and then blushed.

"Hey Verno, where's the radio, let's see if we can get some tunes." He asked.

Chris turned on some background music, as the friends spoke into the night.

"Alright, Alright. Pluto is a dog, Micky is a mouse, and Pluto is a dog. What's Goofy?" Gordie asked.

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