My Crappy Day

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So my day sucked.

It started with a moment of silence for SFHS in 1st period, and I just about had a mini panic attack when the buzzer came on signaling the announcements.

I'm scared pretty bad.

I have a horrible feeling that something's going to happen to my school. There's 6 1/2 days left, and I'm terrified that some won't make it through.

Today at another school about ten minutes from here, this kid in 7th grade brought an unloaded gun to school and someone reported him so he got arrested. They also found ammo in his locker so he was probably gonna shoot up the school.

People have also been making threats on social media to shoot up another school in my district.

There've even been threats to shoot up my school, which I honestly wouldn't be surprised about.

Needless to say, I'm pretty scared.

I'm praying that something like that won't happen, but that's no in my control.

I just can't shake the feeling something bad's going to happen.

I'm honestly scared to go to school now.

Every day when I get in the car I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to go back home. And the worst part is I know I'm not being irrational.

All I can see before I go to bed is my friend's bodies on the ground. It's like a horror movie or something.

Please pray for these things to stop.

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