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I hung my coat on the hook, feeling exhausted. No one was ever home in the afternoons because both Mum an Uncle Jimmy worked and Dad had daily therapy from one to four. That's why I was surprised to see Mum in the dining room, placing a fruit bouquet on the table. "Hello, Mary," she greeted with a smile. "Hello. Why're you home." "Don't be so nosey, Mary. Anyways, a new family just moved next door and I invited them for dinner. They have a son your age and he's quite nice." "A son?" I repeat. "Yes. I'm hoping you'll get along because the family is very charming. Anyways, he graduated last year and he's studying to be a doctor. His family moved with him just so he could attend the University of Australia and still be with him. Of course, that's a bit over the top."

I sighed and plucked a green grape from a stick when her back was turned. "I have to start my exam studying, Mum. I'll be down for dinner." She nodded and smiled. "Please wash your hair. A lady should never have her hair in a ponytail, it looks sloppy." My bad, it was just hot in Luke's garage. "Yes, Mum."

I climbed the stairs to my room and locked the door. I didn't feel like studying- my twenty-four hours of being rebellious weren't up and I knew that had to end early with this family coming to dinner. I climbed out into the tree by my window. It was so simple to climb down to the ground and climb back up. A normal teenage girl would take this as an advantage to sneak out or have boys come in. I liked to climb into it with a good book and read.

I was so into Peter Pan that the knock on my door had me falling off my branch. I caught into another one and held back a groan? "Yes?" "The Watson's will be over in an hour, Mary." "Yes, Mum." I climbed back into my room, set my book on my bed, and went to the washroom adjoining my bedroom.

After a shower, I blow dried my curly hair. It never did that well, so it was still a bit damp. I brushed it to the best of my ability and put on a nice, white sundress with a baby blue cardigan. I slipped down the stairs after putting on makeup. *Makeup is essential, Mary. It's made for a reason.* I guess I'm back to the rule book. Sigh. Ashton was a fun run. I still needed to get him drums.

Mum, Dad, and Uncle Jimmy were all in the den with a family of four. "Hello," I greeted with a grin. *Always make a grand entrance.* "Hi! You must be Mary," a young woman said with a smile. "Yes," I replied rather curtly. I hate that name. "I'm Zara. This is Mathew, my husband, Lindsay, my daughter, and John, my son." John held out a polite hand. He was like the boys in my school, polished and accordingly neat. "It's an honour to meet you, Mary Heinz." I smiled best as possible. "You as well."

We proceeded to eat dinner. I bit my tongue when my phone vibrated in my cardigan pocket. *No cell phones at the table.* "Excuse me," I said before pushing back my chair and hurrying to the downstairs washroom. I pulled out my phone after locking the door.

Busy? Xx Ash

I hated doing this, but Ashton would be no help to my future.

We can't hang out anymore, Ashton. I'm sorry. -Alice

You don't want to stop hanging out, really, do you? Is it just your mum being a (dog emoji) or your dad being a (eggplant emoji)? Xx Ash

Check on none of the above. I just don't think it's smart. -Alice

I'll meet you at your bus stop in the morning. We'll go to my place and talk about it, yeah? Xx Ash

Don't say no, I'll be there anyways. Xx Ash

I'm sure he would...

Okay -Alice

Excellent. See you in the morn, princess. (; Xx Ash

It's lucky he said that because there was a knock. "Is your stomach upset, dead?" Dad asked softly through the door. I pulled it open to reveal his balding head. "No, Dad. I'm just feeling ill." He smiled warmly and led me to the dining room.


Ashton parked Luke's bike far from the bus stop so no one would get suspicious. I was quick to walk with him to it. "He'll be over later today after he gets out of school, so you won't see him," Ashton said as he shoved the helmet onto my head. I knew he meant Luke, so I just nodded and got into the back. "You should get your own," I mused.

He smiled a bit. "I can't even afford a new drum set, Alice." Oh, yeah... "I can get you one." "What? A bike?" "No, a drum set." He froze from his actions of getting back on and looked at me through his helmet. "What?" "I can just get you a drum set. My uncle lets me have free instruments and everything. Not like Mum would let me play any other..."

Ashton's face broke into a grin. "Thanks, babe, but I'm going to try to do it on my own. I'm a big boy." He finished climbing on and drove off. We were going near my house. I was starting to wonder if he somehow knew my address until he turned on a street down from mine. We drove for a few more minutes until he pulled onto a road with run-down apartment buildings. He pulled in front of a particularly neat one and cut off Luke's motorcycle. He helped me off and we carried the helmets inside. He smiled kindly at the old woman exiting the elevator.

"Hello, Mrs. Gray, going shopping?" "Yes, William is ill and I hadn't realized we were out of tea bags." "Why don't you borrow some from me and I'll get Luke to pick you some up on his way?" The lady, Mrs. Gray, smiled. "That would be very kind, Ashton. Thank you. And who's this, your girlfriend?" I blushed as Ashton wrapped his arm around my waist. "Of a sort. Just a friend who happens to be a girl. This is Alice. Alice, this is my neighbor, Mrs. Gray. Her and her husband, William, are like... Romeo and Juliet. 'Cept they didn't die..." Ashton offers Mrs. Gray a cute smile and we all get into the elevator. Ashton clicks for floor four.

We stand in silence before arriving to a brightly lit hallway. Mrs. Gray is the first door and Ashton is right beside her, but she follows us to get the tea bags. "I'll make sure to get Luke to drop off those tea bags," Ashton promises as he unlocks the door. His flat is a bit small, but nice. It's got a den connected to a kitchen. There's a long hallways and I can make out a total of two doors. "Thanks, Ashy," Mrs. Gray coos when Ashton hands her a few tea bags. Ashton blushes. "Uh, your welcome," he replies. Mrs. Gray bids us goodbye and leaves.

Ashton shoots me a 'don't say a word about that' look and I return with a 'our little secret' smile. Then I realize I'm in Ashton's flat when I was trying to avoid him. *Never go over to a boy's home alone. He could try to sexually abuse you or even kill you!* Well, let me call my friend to come, Mum. Oh. Wait. I have no friends.

"What do you want to converse about?" I ask as he leans against his kitchen counter. He smirks and moves to me. I slowly back up into the counter on the other side of the small kitchen. He grabs my hips and effortlessly lifts me onto the marble surface. "Your rules." "What about them?" "Do you like being caged up like that, Alice?" "No." "I can help you break free." The intensity of Ashton's eyes drives my stomach into butterflies. Should I agree? Do I want to break free?

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