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(obviously Ashton doesn't have this many sisters I know don't correct me)


I'm brushing my teeth hurriedly. I'm going to be late for school... Ashton sighs and runs a brush through my hair. He brushes it surprisingly fast. "I have six sisters," he says shyly. "Six?!" I repeat in astonishment. "Yeah. Jackie, Bridgette, and Lucy are younger, and Stephanie, Marley, and Chloe are older. I've always brushed and done their hair as habit." "Uh... Would you like to braid it while I do my makeup?" Ashton smiles shyly. "Yes."

So, I put on my makeup as Ashton plaits my hair neatly. "It's very good," I say with a smile. "Thanks," he mumbles, scratching his neck. He's shy and it's adorable. "Yeah." He smiles softly and I hesitantly bring my hand to his cheek. He watched me intently as I stand on my toes, bringing my lips close to his. I lean forward and- "Mary Alice! You're going to be late and that's not acceptable!" Mum called through my bedroom door. I jump away from Ashton, cheeks red. "Sorry, Mum. I feel ill," I lie. "Would you like me to check your temperature?" I leave the washroom that is conveniently in my bedroom. "No, I'm coming."

"Skipping today?" Ashton asks casually, as if I didn't just embarrass myself. Thank God. "It's exam week, Ashton." "Oh, yeah." "I'll see you later, I'll come back tonight?" "Yeah. I walked here, so I better leave now." "Okay," I agree. He leans down and I thought he'd continue our almost-kiss, but he instead placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "See you, Ali Bear," he teases.


I walked slowly down the hallway, avoiding any awkward situations. I was friendless, really, besides one girl that I sat with at lunch- Emma Baker. Although we didn't speak much, I knew that if I did, Emma would listen to me. She would at least try to understand. I guess that's why I'm hurrying to the canteen so I can ask for her advise.

I see her reading at our normal table. I grab a pack of Goldfish and a soda before heading over. Like routine, I hand her my sack lunch that Mum forces me to take. *A healthy lunch makes a healthy Mary.* Emma silently hands over three dollars, which I use for my own lunch account. It's like our silent trade that we bargained on one day while she watched me eat tuna on wheat.

"Emma?" I ask quietly. She looks up at me, surprised. "Hm?" "Can I... Ask for advise?" She nods immediately and I offer a shy smile. "Well, my mum... She's wicked strict. She has a sort of rule book that I follow. Anyways, I met a boy... And he wants me to break the rules. That's not very brilliant, is it?" Emma sits there for a second, looking thoughtful. "Is the boy nice?" "I like him, a whole lot. And we just recently met. Oh, Emma, he makes me feel alive, like I'm a new person, a real person!" I blab, feeling loose just speaking of the rebellious boy. "Well, Alice, I think that you're making the right choice if you really like him."

And I take her word for it.


Ashton climbs through my window, smirking. It's late and Mother calls lights out at ten on weekdays. I know she's asleep because it two in the morning. *Beauty sleep is always required, even if you're blessed with natural beauty.* I sigh and ignore the constant *No kissing boys, especially if he's not your boyfriend!* rule ticking in my head. I wanted to break all the rules.

"Ashton?" I immediately call to him once my door is locked. "Yeah, babe?" "I... I want to.... I want all the rules broken." He looks at me in surprise. "But the sex rule...?" "I'm not even supposed to have a boyfriend. I can get one and... Eventually have sex." "It's my job to help break the rules," he blurts, his face red.

We stare at one another for a while before he practically tackles me, pressing our lips together in a form first kiss- well, my first kiss personally, our first kiss together. His lips are warm and plump and he tastes of something sweet that I can't put my finger on but I don't mind it.

He urges me to move my lips so that in kissing back, but it is my first kiss and I'm less that inexperienced. I have no idea what I'm doing. "Just do what feels right, Ali. I'll guide you," Ashton mumbles into the kiss. I swear that was the hottest thing I've ever witnessed, let alone be apart of. So... I do that. I move my lips gently with Ashton's. He's firm and straight-forward, bringing his tongue to glide across my bottom lip in a spine-tingling manner.

*When you have your first kiss- later in life- absolutely don't let tongue be involved. It's your first kiss, not a snog leading to sex.*

Ashton was surely treating it like the latter. He climbed over my body, still synching his lips to mine. He moved his lips to my neck and up to my ear. I shiver as he lips my ear lobe and whispers, "Let me hear the rule on hickeys- I know there is one." I gasp when his lips dip back to my neck and he nibbles on my skin, trying to find my sweet spot. "Baby?" He mumbles. "Oh. D-Don't let a boy leave marks on... You. You aren't a-a cow."

Ashton found it- my collarbone was my weakness. He nibbles and bites and sucks and I'm struggling to stay quiet but his lips feel extraordinary against my skin. "You aren't a cow... But I'll still leave a mark on you- you're mine. My little rebellion project." I wiggle as he says this. "I'm merely your project?" He lifts himself up to look at me. "No, baby. That's just the first thing you were. I like you, more than I should for someone I just met." I smile a he pecks my lips repeatedly and returns to kiss the mark he made.

Good thing it's rather low, but no V-necks for me. Just to be safe.

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