Chapter 5

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Nico pov

Eli and I walked over to Skylar and Patrick.
"Skylar, Nic's going to take you to your brother. Patrick, I'm going to take you to our half brother." Eli said
"Shadow, come on! let's go!" I said
Shadow gave a loud scary bark and went down to dog size.
"I have a brother? AWESOME!" Skylar shouted
"Come on Sky, lets go" I said smirking
She ran over to me and we walked down to the forges
"So what's he like? What's his name? Do I have any other siblings?" she asked as we walked
"Ummm...... His name is Leo, you do have other siblings, and I don't know the last time I saw him was 5 years ago so I don't know what he's like now" I said.
"What was he like when you knew him? And if I have other siblings why am I meeting him?" Skylar kept the questions rolling
"You're meeting him because he is the only other person who can do what you can." I explained
"Make things?" she asked curiously
"No, control fire" I said.
Everyone was staring at me and Skylar as we walked over to the forges.
When we were about 20 yards from the forges, Leo ran out grinning "dude, where've you been!" he said.
His hair was shorter than it was when I left and he was slightly buff now instead of scrawny. Leo was wearing shorts, a camp half blood t-shirt, and his tool belt.
"Around the world and farther" I said grinning.
Skylar hid behind me "who are you?" she said peeking around my leg.
"Who are you?" Leo said sarcastically
"Depends" Skylar said narrowing her eyes
"I'm Leo" he said
"So are you my brother or something?" Skylar asked, trying to act cool.
"Who's your dad?" Leo asked turning his head slightly
"Hephaestus" she said coming out from beside me
"Then yes" Leo said
"So your the other one who can control fire!" she said bouncing up and down
"Other one?" Leo asked confused
"Yah!" she shouted and burst into flames
I jumped back and avoided the flames just in time.
"Wait, but I thought that.... but...... what?" Leo said looking at me
"I don't know, she's only 6" I said
"How......... Where did you find her?" Leo asked staring at her as she put the flames out.
"We found her and another kid on a beach in Florida" I explained
"Who's the other kid?" Leo said
"Patrick, I'm sure there'll be a lot of hell raised about him later, you'll meet him eventually" I said
"But man, what happened on the hill? Did you guys fake your death? and I thought you guys weren't coming back?" he said. Yeah, Skylar and Leo will definitely get along.
"We ran into some giants and I lost my sword, we didn't fake our death on purpose, and we weren't going to come back but Matthew forced us to come back" I said
"Why'd he force you guys to come back?" Leo asked
"It's complicated" I said trying to avoid the question
"Explain. Now." Leo said forcefully
Then out of nowhere, Skylar shouted "NIC AND ELI ARE GETTING MARRIED!" and ran away
Before Leo could say anything I said "She's your problem for the rest of the day" and ran off to my cabin.


I walked Patrick over to the cabin.
"So who exactly is he? I mean personality wise" Patrick asked
"Well, his name is Percy, and he doesn't exactly like Nic-" Patrick cut me off "why doesn't he like Nic?" he asked.
Nic was nicer, and dare I say, happier than he used to be. More likable.
"He doesn't......... He didn't want Nic to date me" I said
Patrick stopped dead in his tracks "if he doesn't like Nic then I don't like him" Patrick said. It really was adorable how much those kids liked Nic.
I kneeled down next to him "Patrick, just because Percy hates someone who is practically your older brother and cares about you, doesn't mean you should hate him"
"So you don't hate him?" Patrick asked curiously.
"Oh no, I hate his guts and if he wasn't my brother he'd be dead by now for sure" I said
Patrick frowned "do I have to?" he asked
I stared into his blue eyes "Here, I tell you what, if in the first 5 minutes you don't like him, you can stay with me, Nic, and everyone else" I said
"Okay" he said smiling slightly.
I held my hand out and he took it.
We walked over to cabin 3 and I knocked on the door.
Annabeth answered wearing a large camp half blood t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Eli, you don't have to knock its your cabin, er, for now at least" she said smiling
"Can I talk to Percy?" I asked
She nodded "I was just leaving anyways" she said.
She looked at Patrick, then at me, smiled, and walked away.
I stepped into the cabin and saw Percy sitting on his bed playing on an iPhone, I guess Leo had figured phones out.
Percy glanced up, noticed me and slammed his phone down "Eli what are you doing, you-"
"Percy I know you're really angry, but not right now" I said gesturing to Patrick.
"Who is this?" Percy asked staring at Patrick
"Percy, he's our brother. Patrick" I said
Percy's mouth dropped open.
"So your name is Percy?" Patrick asked
"But how?" Percy said looking at me
"I don't know. We found him on a beach, along with Skylar." I said
"Who's Skylar?" he asked
"She's-" I started but was cut off by Patrick
"She's my sister!" Patrick said
"There's another one!" Percy exclaimed
"No, they just treat each other like it" I explained
Percy frowned "but Eli, what are you thinking getting married?"
"Percy, I'm 20 years old and-" Percy cut me off
"But you're getting married to HIM!" Percy said saying him like it was the day he's supposed to die
"I love him Percy, and that's not something you can change" I said calmly
"Eli why do you even love him?" Percy asked crossing his arms.
Patrick started to walk around and explore the cabin.
"Percy, he was my first crush, he fell in love with me and I fell in love with him. That night that he broke your nose, I was thinking about killing myself right there, but he changed my mind. Also-" Percy cut me off again
"Eli, I don't think he even loves you!" he shouted
"Patrick, can you wait outside for a moment?" I asked
"Mmm-hmm" he said nodding and ran out.
As soon as the door closed Percy looked at me "Eli, I swear I'm not lying but, Nico used to have a crush on me. Jason told me." he said
"I know that, HE kissed ME" I said
"Eli, I think you're just imagining this because you hope it's true" he said. He almost looked sad for me. Almost.
"No, Percy I swear, I can show you" I said holding my hand out.
"How?" he asked taking my hand. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. My fingernails dug into his wrist and his and my eyes turned a milky white.
My vision blurred and we were on the Eiffel Tower, back to that amazing night.
We were arguing and that was the time he had learned to find the pain in my eyes when no one else could.
It was the moment I started to turn when he grabbed me and kissed me.
I pulled my jacket together and zipped it up.
My vision blurred and we were back in the Poseidon cabin.
"See?" I said
"Eli! get this through your head! he only wants you because of me and I don't want your heart broken!" Percy said
"I knew him long before I was your sister, and before he met you! Percy, you're the one who ruined his life! you're the reason he was always angry! We left because you were ruining both of our lives!" I shouted angrily
"Eli, this is just what you want to-"
"He is the only one who saw through the fake smile! Who could see the pain in my eyes when no one else can! and we all know you guys are scared of him! You didn't entirely give him a chance! You might've thought so, but trust me you didn't, not at all" I said with tears streaming down my face.
"I did give him a chance, and I think I'm done giving people chances" he said giving me a steely glare
"How did you feel when you liked Annabeth! Did your dad and mom disapprove? how did you feel when they didn't want you two to date? Well that's what you're doing right now! You're probably thinking that you're right, but Percy I'm in love!" I said
He softened a bit "Eli, I-"
"He's the only person that knows what I've been through!" I said
He got angry again "I know to!" he shouted
"No, Percy, you don't understand" I said
"Try me" he said
I rolled up my sleeve and moved all of my bracelets to show him the white scars on my wrist "well do you know. Of course you don't" I snarled.
"Eli" he whispered but I turned and went out of the door.
When I got outside, I found Patrick had the door cracked open and heard the whole conversation.
"Come on Patrick, lets go for now" I said
"Eli?" he asked
I kneeled down next to him "yes?"
He dried my tears and hugged me "I'm happy for you" he whispered.
I hugged him back "thank you Patrick" I said smiling.
When I pulled back he looked me dead in the eyes and said "I don't like him"

Nico's secret 2: the return (a sequel to a Nico Di Angelo love storyWhere stories live. Discover now