A Moody Mad-eye

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything.



Gryffindor Tower

Harry was sitting in the common room with Ron and Hermione doing homework. Kakashi had left a while ago, and still hasn't returned. He told them that he had to go see his Sensei about something and left in a hurry. Harry was glad that he now had the opportunity to talk to Ron and Hermione alone.

"So..." Ron said, thinking on the same track as Harry. Hermione looked up from her book and gave the two boys a questioning look. She sighed and set it aside, silently telling them to continue.

"Alright, so today in Divinations Professor Trelawney gave a prediction of some sort about Kakashi. However, it wasn't a prediction per say, it was more of her listing facts. And we wanted to know what you thought of it?" Harry said.

"I don't know why you would believe anything that woman would say, she obviously isnt a good source for information Harry." He scolded.

"That's what we thought to, but you should have seen his face, I would bet a hundred Galleons that what she said is true." Ron said confidently.

"Fine, so what did she say?"

"She told him that he was covered in blood, that he was the cause of death and suffering." Harry said.

"Then she called him the son of the White Fang and that Kakashi had a spinning red eye. She also said he had mastered a thousand justu's, whatever that is." Ron continued. Hermione was pondering over their words, trying to find the underline meaning.

"The thing that unnerved him the most was when she called him Sakumo." Harry finnished.

"A spinning red eye?" Hermione asked, the boys nodded their heads. " I will have to go to the library this week to see what I can find. But until then, find out what you can."

"Done. But that's not all I wanted to talk to you guys about" Harry said.

"I already know Harry, you suspect that Kakashi is here to watch over you, and not to just participate in the Triwizard Tournament." Hermione guessed for him.


"I thought so too. You should write to Serious and see what he thinks of it." Hermione said. Harry agreed with her, he needed to write to Serious about Kakashi, and about his scar hurting again. Already this year looked even more dangerous than the last and that was saying a lot, considering he thought that a madman was out to kill him.

Once Ron and Hermione went up to bed, he decided to write his letter. He needed answers, and fast. However, Hedwig was nowhere to be found, she was probably happily perched somewhere up in the Owelry. Not wanting to wait any longer, he grabbed his dad's cloak and made his way towards the South side of the castle.


Kakashi was walking back to the Common Room from Minato Sensei's office when he heard footsteps comming towards him. He had an idea of where the sound should be comming from, but nothing was there. That is until he smelled a familiar scent and knew what was up.

Kakashi stride right up to the source of the noise and reached his hand out, grabbing the material concealing Harry and ripped it off, while also frightening the boy out of his wits. The look on the Potter boys face was priceless in Kakashi's opinion.

"W-what... how d-did you?" Harry stuttered.

"You suck at stealth. I can hear and smell you. Now, let's go before a teacher finds us wondering the corridor." Kakashi stated flately. Harry looked confused beyond belief which started to help Kakashi improve his mood. They walked back silently, and when the portrait door shut Harry's army of questions unfolded.

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