Chapter One

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" Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance." - Jane Austen

Chapter One

"The wedding was a fantastic event really," Charlotte uttered confidently, her blonde hair pulled up in ringlets as she held onto her son tightly in her lap.

"Of course you'd say that," William rolled his eyes as he looked at his sister.

It had been three years since she had married to Jonathan Lennox, a duke of equal standing. Her husband sat comfortably besides her as he flipped through the paper before him. Charlotte and William's grandmother warmed herself near the fire before grabbing a cookie from the plate placed on the coffee table. Fanny beckoned for her great grandson to come to her lap as she offered him more sweets. It was autumn and the fall harvest had called for a reunion.

"It's about time you had your own wedding!" Charlotte chirped up as she looked at her brother expectantly.

"Why bother, I don't need to," William sighed. "Plus I have no interest in my sister playing matchmaker for me. Although the rest of the ton may appreciate it, not I. I'll stick to my own choices."

"I am quite good at it," Charlotte huffed. Jonathan soothed her growing temper by rubbing her back; a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"I'm sure William will find a lovely lady to settle down with at some point, once he's done with his romp across the country of course," he clicked his tongue with a grin.

"You are not to encourage his behavior Jonathan Lennox!" Charlotte swatted at him.

"I am perfectly content sister dearest."

"You're thirty, you're not getting any younger. And the last thing I want to hear is that you sired some illegitimate child from a woodshed!" Charlotte argued.

"You know I have redeemed myself since then," William rebutted.

"Redeemed," Fanny murmured before rolling her eyes as she stuffed another cookie into her great grandson's mouth to stop him from crying.

"I will get involved in your life whether you like it or not William Arthur Cecil. For your own good!" Charlotte declared with quite some vigor.

"Jonathan, please," William looked at his brother in law before mouthing 'help me'.

The man merely shrugged as his wife was quick to arch an eyebrow at him. "I trust Charlotte capable of doing whatever she pleases and achieving them with soaring colors."

William groaned.

"Oh I love you darling," Charlotte planted a kiss upon her husbands lips. Jonathan looked quite pleased with himself. But William merely gagged at the sight while his younger sister glared at him.

"I'm hosting a party for our darling Nicholas and you are to come. There are no ifs ands or buts." Charlotte dictated strictly. At the sound of his name, her son slipped off of his grannies lap and toddled forward his mother's arms.

William sighed knowing better than to open his mouth again.

"Say where did Rose go again?" The old man asked as he flipped through the books in his study.

"She said she was going to settle her debt or something of the sort." His wife responded with a shrug.

"That girl! When will she ever learn to be less reckless."

"Uncle dearest I was only running an errand." The door had opened to reveal a brunette with fair grey eyes innocently batting her lashes.

"My dear, you've simply got to stop wandering about without telling anyone!" Her aunt scolded.

"I know, I know Aunt Margaret. It's unbecoming of a lady and it's a shameful habit to encourage which will eventually lead to ruin much like fathers philandering ways." Rose recited.

"Very good!" Her uncle responded cheerily with a chuckle.

Rose Langford was the daughter of Lord David Langford, the younger womanizer brother to Lord Richard Villiers. While her uncle resided in Bath working as the Earl of Pembroke of his estates, her father was a useless prick who'd scour the earth for his unscrupulous ways. To say she was bitter about her father's choices was an understatement. After all, she never knew who her mother was besides the fact that she was French and a lady of the elite Parisienne court which would have long fallen since the French Revolution. She was luckily taken in and raised by her Uncle and Aunt as their own seeing how they had no children themselves.

But her life had only settled nine years ago when her father finally came to terms that he had little to no idea how to raise a girl growing into her adulthood. Her father dumping her to her relatives care had been the best thing to have happened to her.

"Rose dear, your uncle and I have discussed the possibilities of your future..."

"And we think it best you settle soon. It'll ease our hearts as well as our minds." Her uncle finished.

"I know," Rose responded quietly. "I'm twenty years old and it's about time I settled but there's simply no one suitable!"

"There are plenty of men in town for you to choose from. You're a stunning young lady Rose and I'd like to see you wed before I'm glued to the bed." Her uncle implored.

"Oh uncle Richard don't say such things. I'll find my match eventually."

A/N: Deciding to continue writing the sequel of Charlotte's story was definitely hard. But I think I've finally settled some matters in life that's made it possible for me to continue. Hope those who have been fans of Charlotte's story can warmly welcome Roses! Please vote and comment thank you. 

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