Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen 

Three months had passed since Rose had given birth and her recovery had been swifter than ever. She was finally able to walk about after a month's bed rest. She had made it a point to have her daughter stay by her side even during the middle of the nights. She wanted to tend to the child and care for her as much as possible. William didn't protest.

In fact, Rose couldn't help but smile whenever William held their daughter in his arms. He was absolutely smitten. They chose to name her Catherine - Rose's mother's name.

William had fallen in love all over again the moment he had set his eyes on Catherine. His beautiful darling little girl was a cherub. He knew he loved her immensely and that he couldn't part with her. Father hood suited him well.

He taken great means of securing the well being of Rose, remaining by her side at every moment just in case anything were to go awry. He knew that her health was still delicate and that recovery was most important. But as the days passed by, the healthier she'd get. Her skin was absolutely glowing. Now that she was also finally able to get out of bed and walk, it seemed like she had returned to her normal routine.

Rose watched him set Catherine down for her sleep. The pair exited the room but as they were about to turn the corner to head down stairs toward the parlor, he turned to her.

"There's something I must ask of you and I've been quite late in doing so." William murmured.

Rose's brows furrowed in curiosity, whatever could he mean? "Do ask away, what is it?"

William looked at her with a gentle smile before kneeling down upon one knee, his hands taking hers into hers.

"The first time we've met you've made it quite the point that you absolutely detested me. I have been dishonorable in the past. And this is long past overdue and I should have asked you much earlier. Despite all traditions and conventions, I would like to request for your hand as a willing wife. But Rose Langford, would you properly have me as a husband? I promise to love you for the rest of my life."

Rose was speechless at his proposal. She nearly flung herself around the girth of his broad body as her heart ran like crazy. "I do, I'd have you over and over again William Cecil. I very much love you." She looked him directly in his beautiful eyes, drowning in it's mirth.

"You won't run away even if I am stupid?"

"Perhaps if I'm angry enough I shall. But I will always come back." She teased.

"Then I shall not make you angry. I will always beg for your forgiveness for all mistakes that I ever make. I swear upon my soul."

"I believe you."


"Kiss me you fool."

This wasn't a request - it was a demand. And gladly without hesitation, William gladly did. He cupped her face into his palms as his lips begged for hers fervidly. Rose too, found herself melting in his arms.  

A/N: This is the end of Romancing Rose! Thank you so much for those of you who've stuck around. I'll be starting up a new novel shortly and I hope that just as much love and excitement will be shown toward my new project! 

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