Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen 

William began to progressively spend more and more time by Rose's side. They'd play duets on the pianoforte together. And he even encouraged her to sing. Though she protested at first, claiming that she had a horrid singing voice, it was quite the contrary. Her voice was as light as the air, angelic even. He sang along too where his baritone voice complemented the colors of her chords. Grandmother Fanny seemed to have relaxed more often these days as she'd earnesty listen to music whenever the pair performed.

William also slowly began to learn more and more about Rose. The girl could be quite persuasive when she wanted to be. She had coaxed him into sitting in the garden unmoving for an hour just so that she could sketch. He never doubted her skills but he was always quite impressed by whatever she chose to do. Her talents were undeniably plentiful. She was a very capable woman and it made him proud that she was nothing like a vapid flower that the ton seemed to breed. And he felt more like himself as the days passed, the familiar teasing tone in his voice returning as she'd laugh now.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at some of the things William would say. His confidence was returning and yet it wasn't as shameless and egotistical as it once was. He'd show off to catch her attention. She found himself desiring to kiss him more than ever and her shyness was slowly fading away. Sometimes she'd surprise herself too when she reached out for him and they'd hold each other quite intimately. She also came to learn that she could win any argument, bet or game with the sheer power of her lips.

Rose slowly could see why women found it easy to fall in love with William. He was appealing in every aspect. Though perhaps the most entertaining aspect in his new found self was his desire to follow her around the house everywhere like a lovesick puppy. She'd have to hide to escape his trail but it wouldn't be long before he found her and pressed his lips to hers with a gleeful grin. She didn't complain and he certainly didn't either.

As she was slowly nearing the end of her pregnancy, it became more and more difficult for her to move about. And surprisingly, William grew to become more worried and cautious than she was.

"Tell me if you need anything. Your health is most important." William implored. He knew that pregnancy wasn't easy and well at her stage, anything could happen.

"I'm still quite capable of my own William, I can move about." Rose said as she sat up. Her stomach had swelled at an enormous size. And every so often she could feel a kick in her ribs.

"You know what the doctor's said ..." William reminded her with his brows knitted together.

"Come here," she beckoned him to his side.

William obediently listened to his wife's request. She took his hand and placed it on her stomach, timing it impeccably so that he could feel the kick of the child within her. He looked rather surprised to be feeling such a sensation.

"Do you think the child can hear my voice?" William asked with much amazement.

Rose nodded her head, laughing as she saw him lean in his head to mumble something to her stomach. And quickly it was met with another kick.

"I think the child understands whatever you've said." Rose said softly, her fingers interlocking on top of his.

"I can't wait to meet them."

"If it's not a son ... you'll still cherish a daughter won't you William?" Rose asked with furrowed brows. She knew that even though she was with child, the prestige of having a son would be most important.

William returned her gaze, "of course, it's not like he or she shall be our only child. I'd make sure of it." He finished his sentence with a wink.

And this only sent a pillow flying to his face followed by a string of laughs. 

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