m o t i v a t i o n 👏🏽

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We're all probably at the middle of exams. Or maybe you've graduated and is currently having some problems with something. No one probably reads this, but for those who would spend their time reading this, I hope I can make you feel better.

Exams/Life is hard. Today, I've felt as if the exam paper I had today, was the hardest test I've ever taken. I guess it was my fault for not studying, but I realized, at least I did my best.

All you can do is to try your hardest. It's okay if you fail, even though I despise failing, we all have to accept it's a part of life.

We're all not perfect. We're flawed. We can't get good grades at everything or excel at everything. Some may be good at a lot of things, some may bear zero talent (such as I). There are some good at arts and drawing. Some are good at music, dancing, acting or singing. Some are just really smart, others are just funny or really good at writing. Others may be really good at playing games.

And that's not a bad thing. It's what makes us different, unique. Someone will always be better than us and we have to accept that.

Maybe your parents are pressuring you to get really good grades. But how I see it? There is so much more than grades. You can do more than just study all day. You can play instruments, learn languages, draw, sing, act and so much more.

You are good enough just the way you are. You survived your first test, continue doing it for the rest of the other ones. (If that makes sense)

It may feel as if the world is against you but it's just life. Others may be more fortunate than others, but we have to accept that.

This has nothing to do with the rants I usually write, but even if no one reads this, I want someone to at least see it and decide on what they plan to do with their lives.

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