Animal Abuse

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-Curse words ahead, you don't like it? Deal with it or you don't have to read it.-

HAHAHAHA. I'm writing this bcuz some piece of shit thought it'd be funny to torture animals for people's entertainment. Asshats, let's see how you'd like me to claw your eyes out and hang you for ENTERTAINMENT and I'll post it on social media. Hah! That'd be funny asf. 🙄🙄🙄 Won't it?

You sick, twisted, jackass. THEY. ARE. LIVING. CREATURES. WITH. EMOTIONS. Unlike you. Go fuck yourself. I'd love to beat you up and make sure you suffer before you die because that's what you did. How do y' like it huh?

I'm not vegetarian, I eat meat. But I DO NOT WATCH THEM SUFFER. If y' gonna eat them then at LEAST give them a quick death instead of watching their cries. Fucking hell, I wonder what kind of future you'll have.

And what's sickening is the fact that people do LOVE to watch these things. Hell! They even watch animals getting hurt and compiled them together.

You're gonna go like, "Hey! Let's kill endangered animals for fun because why the hell not."
You don't think about how it'll affect the ecosystem or how future generations wouldn't be able to see the magnificent creature.

7.3 billion humans in this world. And if killing a human is a life sentence. Why does killing endangered animals mean nothing? Why does animal abuse, have no consequences? It's sick, twisted, and definitely a crime. But noooooo. Humans just had to be a number one priority. 

The human population is starting to become a problem. While the opposite works for animals. And so killing a human is worth more than animals? What kind of sick logic is that?! The government is given money to make the world a better place. Instead many corrupters would use the money on themselves, when they could save many lives. This affects every living creature on this planet.

Animals were here before we were. They helped our ancestors to build the world we have today and THIS IS HOW YOU THANK THEM. This doesn't only apply to endangered species. This applies to domesticated animals like our everyday pets.

A puppy could accidentally leave waste on a carpet and you would throw an item at him/her. You piece of utter shit. A CARPET. And you compare that to a living creature. If you didn't know they leave messes. Do your fucking research before buying or adopting one. What? You think there won't be problems having a pet? You think taking care of one is really THAT easy. 

Even if you're a kid and you could maybe step or murder an innocent kitten who's mother is probably waiting for. It doesn't mean you're off the hook. A child KNOWS how animals deserved to be treated. If they don't then it's either YOUR own fault or the parent's are equally just as twisted and disgusting. 

If you do this on accident, maybe you didn't mean it. Or maybe it's an enological, pathetic excuse, just as pathetic of a human being you are. They have families, just like we do. Emotions, just like SOME of us do. 😂 Just because you don't doesn't mean every other living creature don't. You close-minded bitch. 

So do me a favour and feel guilty for the rest of your life cause you deserved it. 

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