The start of a confusing year

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Author: *whispers while typing this in class* Hush hush hush, blush blush blush, you are now my big fat crush......Hm... should that be the name of this chapter? Nah. Too long and silly. (◕‿◕✿)


Ahem... Today was your first day at True Cross Academy. Like every other student you knew, you wanted to one day become an exorcist. So about a few minutes of gathering your surroundings, you walked to your class on the first floor. It was almost as if you just knew where it was (Definitely not because the author just didn't want to go into detail because they are in a time crunch)

 After walking into your new class, you took your seat. There were only a select few students in your class, but you had no idea why. You didn't really mind either. School started in like, what, 20 minutes? God Damn you arrived late. usually you would get to school about an hour early. The early bird gets the worm, your mom always said. You pulled a hardcover book straight out of your (f/d) backpack and skimmed over the title. Your mom always put a random book into your bag. You just had to mention to her that you finished the one that she had put in before. 

 "The tale of the Yandere and the senpai stealing...." You paused. That was a word that you weren't allowed to use in school. Why would your mom put this in your bag? She knew creepy stalker boys gave you the heebie jeebies. But hey, it's a book. 

You cracked it open and flipped through the pages. "345 pages, huh?" You shrugged and started on the first chapter of the book when you were called into the principal/headmaster's office.

"(F/n) (L/n), you're wanted in the headmaster's office." Your teacher slid a pass onto your desk and you wedged your book into your bag.

"Do you know what for, Mr. Kayo?" You tilted your head and rose to your feet, slipping your backpack straps onto your shoulders.

"Just said he needed you in his office. That's all I know." He didn't even look at you, signing off papers of some sort. They had your name on them, so you peeked over at one of them for a split second. All you read was custody... if this is business with your parents, you were going to scream. 

 Making your way up to the headmaster's office, you hummed a bit. Your voice echoed through the empty halls, so you quickly shut down your humming almost as soon as it had started. You knocked on a big door, gulping. A quiet 'Come in' came from inside the room. Almost on queue, you walked into a big office with colorful things absolutely everywhere. 

 "W-wow..." your eyes widened when you looked around, almost enchanted.

"Well hello there, (F/n)~ I'm glad you were able to navigate well through the halls." He smiled at you, his green eyes attracting yours.

"O-oh! I.. um.. h-hello." You weren't sure what to say, you wanted to touch anything and everything in the room.

"I have something to talk to you about, (F/n)~" He smirked, leaning back in his swivel chair.

Custody.. the word ran through your head. What did it mean? Did it have anything to do with the situation you were in now?

((stay tuned for the next chapter! Sorry this one was so short!!))

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