epilogue pt1

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Beware that I'll be skipping time a lot, so read closely.

Enjoy the many words of agony and euphoria. Might be a bit confusing, but you can just leave questions in the comments and I'll answer them!

Apologies for the grammar and spelling mistakes.


Jimin turns around with a wide smile, newly pink bubblegum-dyed hair following the movement. He was clad in an oversized flannel, white undershirt and tight bleached-jeans.

He had gotten more thicker and softer, cheeks full and ass more emphasised. He looked more happier, since he was able to fall back into dancing and achieve his dreams.

Seokjin gives him a bouquet of flowers with a genuine smile, and beside him was Namjoon smiling proudly with his deep dimples. Jimin accepts it and speaks a thank of appreciation, but the engaged couple just waves it away.

"It's for the both of you. We're happy for you two, good job on opening the studio!"

"Hyung! When did you arrive?" Jungkook comes with an excited smile plastered on his lips, towering over Jimin as he wraps a protective arm around the shorter male.

"Kookie!" Jimin squeals, tiptoeing to kiss the younger male on the lips, who kisses back with his eyes crinkling at the sides.

Namjoon chuckles deeply as he shakes his head in disbelief, "Still so lovey-dovey.."

"Congratulations on the opening!" Seokjin cheers happily, making the younger couple feel even more happier.

They invite themselves to some drinks at the party, seated at the corner as they talk among themselves. They haven't seen each other for a while, so they wanted to use the time to catch up.

When the younger couple was slightly distracted with each other, Seokjin exchanges a look with Namjoon, whom nods approvingly.

"Anyways.." Seokjin takes out an envelope from his men purse, handing it over with a sincere smile. "Open it," Namjoon reassures lightly, which didn't clear any confusion for the younger couple.

Jimin opens it and takes out the nicely-folded card in the envelope, unfolding it. The dancer-couple reads it together, and their reaction was priceless.

Seokjin shyly glances at Namjoon and shrugs, "Well, we planned it for a while and decided to take actions. Jimin, do you want to-"

"-HOLY CRAP! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! ON MY BIRTHDAY?!" Jimin all but shrieks with a shocked expression as he looks up from the letter, Jungkook gasping loudly beside him as he looks up at them as well.

Namjoon nods happily, making the couple pull them into a big group hug as they jump out of joy. Seokjin laughs his famous wiping-window laughter, making the others laugh as well. Jungkook and Jimin couldn't help but chant congratulations and words of encourgament on their planned marriage.

As Jungkook babbles on his excitement for the marriage to Namjoon, Seokjin pulls Jimin aside. "Hey, do you think you can follow me to meet our wedding planner next monday? It's a man and he's from America, apparently Korean. He's really good in his business."

"Oh, I would love to! But, why not Namjoon hyung?"

"I told him that I wanted to plan with you; I want the concept to be a surprise for him! Jungkook can't know too! Anyways, it'll be your birthday so I need to know how you want the wedding party to be like so that we can celebrate your birthday as well!" Jimin's mouth forms a small 'o' as he nods slowly, taking in the information fast and agrees quickly to the idea.

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