⑧ A Date?

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“What? A triple date?”

“Yeah, I heard there’s an upcoming movie that people have been talking about lately, why don’t we watch it together?”

Lisa excitedly anticipates the event even though I don’t even have a guy to go with. Lisa got herself a boyfriend right after the day of Flower Day, on that day the guy gave her a flower bouquet. Mina got hers 4 days ago. They planned to have a double date, but they also want me to come and make it as a ‘Triple Date’.

“Wait… you guys have boyfriends. What about me? I don’t have one” I pouted, making their expression turn from excited to confusion. “Well, how about the guy who gave you flowers? Have you found out who sent it yet?” Mina’s question got my head shooked. Lisa snaps her finger with her eyes wide open.

“Haa! How about you take Jungkook with you?” she points at my face. Mina nodded rapidly as if she is already agreed with that. “What?! Jungkook? Why would I ask him to go out with me?” I almost shouted at them “We know that you and Jungkook are friends. I mean, can you at least go with him for us?” Mina holds my hand and looks at me with her puppy eye. Then Lisa follows her by holding my other hand and making a puppy eye too “Yes, (y/n). We want you to come with us. We don’t want you to look like you’re in a third wheel. Please! Pleeaasssee??” “Pretty Please?” they raises their voice, more like an aegyo voice. I took a deep breath and let out a big sigh.

“Okay, okay, but just this-“

“YAAAYYY!! She’s in with Jungkook!” they both reach their hands up on the sky and hugging me tightly “Okay but you know what? Only this once I’m bringing this guy with me. Next time, no more” “Yes, sir” they salute to me.
‘Think (y/n), think! How are you going to tell him?’

Ugh, I knew it’ll ended up like this. Great job on planning things, (y/n). After talking with those 2 girls, I’ve been wondering on how to approach him and I decided to prepare my gut to ask him at lunch break. But then his friends approached him and I didn’t get the chance to go there. So technically, Plan A didn’t work out. Plan B was ruined when we were about to walk home together, as usual, I keep talking like I finally did ask him out without getting nervous until I realize I’ve been talking to myself for about 30 seconds. Wanna know why? He’s flirting with some girl, which were walking beside him all this time. Damn it, that was so close!

And now, here I am, sitting on my chair with this last plan, Plan C, through chat. How should I tell him? Like we know each other for only 2 weeks and now I have to ask him out? I let out a big sigh and try to be casual by typing his name. Oh… I just realized I’ve been sending his name 4 times. God (y/n) what were you thinking?

Sighing, I wait for his message while I go to get some drink. I put my phone on the table while drinking some chocolate milk. The sound of vibration coming from my phone made me flinched. I lean my body to see whom the notifications from.

What’s up, beautiful?

Holy crap. What should I do? How should I ask? What would he say? Should I or should I not? I open his chat and start the plan C.

Ugh stop flirting
Can I ask you something?

Ask something?
Is this really (y/n) I know?
Really rare
What is it?

Well, I was wondering if you can come to the cinema with me
Don’t get me wrong
It’s not like I’m asking you out
My friends bringing their own boyfriend and they wanted me to come
Will you come with me as a ‘fake date’?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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