⑤ Sweet Melody

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"Guys listen up!" the class president, Eunwoo, grabs our attention in front of the class. All of the student eyes are now on him. Eunwoo then reads a piece of paper.

"On 15th of august, Saturday, there will be a special ceremony for South Korea's independence day. And on Monday, there are many competition that will be held. Poetry reading, writing meaningful story, fashion show, and acoustic performances" Eunwoo announced.

"Acoustic? That sounds great. (y/n)-ah, you can sing, can't you?" said Lisa while placing her hands on my shoulder "Yeah, you can perform along with Rosé. She can play the guitar, right?" Jaehyun jumps right next to me.

"Well, yeah, I can sing, but who's going to play the drumbox?"

"No worries, we have our man, Donghyuk!" Jaehyun places his hand to Donghyuk's shoulder. We keep on discussing about the acoustic band performance until we figure it out the song that we want to play.

I go to the canteen with Rosé. Jungkook usually went to the canteen with his friends, but I didn't see him. Where could he be? Well, it's good actually. At least just give me one day of peace without him. He always disturbs me and it's annoying when he start to talk about his confidence. I purposely didn't text him for a moment. I'm just testing him if he'll find me or not.

The next day, I bring my brother's guitar so Rosé can practise our songs. Jungkook really didn't texted me for a day since yesterday. 'Should I text him?' I thought. I texted Jungkook that I'll be going home late so that he can go without me.

1 hour had passed. I packed my bags and guitar. This time, I'm on my way home with Lisa, since her dad is already waiting her outside.

I enjoyed my conversation with Lisa, until there's someone familiar. He's about 15 meters away from us. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Uhm Lisa, maybe we should take another way..." I pulled her hand, but she refused "Why so sudden? What's wrong? My dad's car is right there" she pointed at her dad's car, but her sight changes to the person who's getting closer towards us.

"Isn't that Jungkook? It's Jungkook, right?" she point at him.

My eyes bulges as his face become clear. He's definitely looking at me. I slapped her hand, still trying to pull her "Don't you dare point at him. Please, Lisa, can we just leave, I don't wanna see him" I begged her "Oh my god, he's getting closer. I think he's cute" she's been hypnotized by Jungkook's not-so-handsome-more-like-a-jerk face. Lisa keep staring at him until he stops right in front of us.

"Well, hello there beautiful ladies" he smiles.

The words that came out of Jungkook's mouth made Lisa blush and she smile shyly. It affect me too, but I'm not smiling at all " Jungkook, right?" she asked.

"Of course. Damn I'm pretty famous here" he flips his hair and smirks at her. Oh my god, my heart skipped a beat for a moment. God, does that even necessary?

"What's your name by the way?" he lends his hand to Lisa "It's Lisa. (y/n)'s class mate" they both shake hands while Jungkook stares at her. "Well then Lisa, can I borrow your friend, (y/n)? Just for a moment" he winks. She giggled while he still holding her hand. I slowly avoids them and when I was about to run, he holds my arm with his other hand. Goddamn it.

"Okay, no problem. By the way, my dad is waiting over there. I have to go. See you later, Jungkook" Lisa smiled shyly "See you later, too, beautiful" Jungkook kissed Lisa's hand. Lisa waved her hand saying goodbye to me. And all was left is me and the jerk. I mean, Jungkook.

He's still holding my arm and suddenly pulls me closer to him. "Where do you think you're going, (y/n)?"

"I'm going home, of course" You realise something is different from him. Yes, he's wearing black shirt and white pants. But it looks more like a taekwondo pants "Why aren't you wearing your uniform?" you asked "I got home to change my uniform into this. Have I ever told you that my club is taekwondo?" he said. I never thought that he's a taekwondo player.


"Okay, then" he drags me back to school by holding both of my upper arm. He pushed me so I walk backwards while facing his chest.

"Hey, where are you taking me?" I try to escape from his grip.

"You have to accompany me in my taekwondo class" he said. I try to escape again but he's too strong for me. Once I almost escaped, but he pulled my hand. "Come on, (y/n). Please!" he begs.

"No way. Why do I have to?" He pull me until I hit my head on his broad chest. I push him away, but it didn't work. He pull me by grabbing my waist. His face moved closer to mine and then stares straight into my eyes. My cheeks are getting pink as a pig.

He looks at my lips and moves his face even closer. I close my eyes, not wanting to see what's going to happen next. I can smell the scent of him. I can feel his breathe coming out from his mouth.

"Do you really think that I'm going to kiss you?"

I open my eyes. All I see is the infamous smirk of him. I took a step back and luckily he didn't try to catch me. Awkward silent is the most annoying thing to happen right now. He leans back and gives me a sly grin.

"Are you flustered, (y/n)?"

"N-no! Why would I be anyway" I turn away to avoid his stare. Jungkook chuckles and grip my hand "And by the way, where were you yesterday? Weren't you at school? You didn't even text me or something" I asked him

"Oh! Did (y/n) really said that? Wow, she missed me so much didn't she?" he chuckled.

"What?! Well, yeah- I mean NO! I was just asking okay? It doesn't mean that I missed you or something". He leans closer to me and whispers to my ear "Liar" I give him a look. "Your cheeks are getting red. Don't ever lie to me, (y/n)" he pokes my cheek. I slap his arm and covers my cheeks.

"Please accompany me?" he says with those puppy eyes.

"No, Jungkook. I have to go home. My parents will be worried if I got home late" I pull my hand from his grip. He sighed and pouts while I take a step backwards slowly and eventually away from his sight.

Actually, I somehow feel bad about leaving him like that. I haven't seen him since yesterday until now. I even lied that I didn't miss him. I also feel bad for slapping his arm hardly. My ears were blessed after I hear his voice. My heart still beats fastly after he stares deeply into my eyes.


'I missed him...'

Hello there! It's been 1 month and a half since I update the chapter 4. I'm sorry for the delay because the editor was having a vacation. Also me actually. Several chapters left until the final chapter and 'BTS oneshot compilation'. Feel free to spread your words on the comment below and please vote. Because it really means to me. See you in the next chapter <3

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