Chapter 2

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I yawned after the hours of talking with Peter. I felt like sleep was well needed but i didn't want it to happen. He smiled and climbed into the empty bed beside mine.

"Peter, Will you still love me if i don't remember?" He chuckled.

"Always. I didn't propose and marry you for nothing." My chest fluttered as did my eyelids.

"Goodnight, Peter." I said as i faced him. He smiled.

"Goodnight, Y/N." I felt my eyes close. I succumbed to my need of sleep.

My head whirled with images and it suddenly stopped. I felt my heart lift to my throat.

"Y/n. You need to go! Now!" I gasped at the sight of my parents and the younger version of myself.

"But why? What's happening?"

"They're traders in mutants." She said as she took off her necklace and clasped it around my neck. "They're coming for you. So go, run far away, it's too late for me and your father." I nodded and ran through the back doors.

The screams and cries of my parents urged me to run faster. I clutched to the necklace as i jumped over the fence and ran through the forest out back and down the road.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and i sat up opening my eyes panting.  I felt tears running down my face. I saw peter snd felt even worse.

I pulled him into a hug. He was quick to return it.

"Was it your parents again?" He asked softly and i nodded into his chest before pulling away. He wiped my tears with his thumbs. I smiled and held his hands.

"Can you-erm- sleep with me tonight?" He nodded and i moved aside allowing him to sleep beside me. He touched my waist asking for permission.

I leaned into him allowing him to wrap his arms around my waist. We both slept peacefully after that.

The next morning, I woke in his arms and turned to face him. Hoping it'd bring something to be this close to him.

To my surprise, i felt something.


"Are you sure you want this? With me?" I nodded at peter and kissed him softly.

"Ok course i do. I married you didnt i? " I trailed his face with my fingers. "You're my love and obviously my hero of a husband." He kissed my forehead and climbed out of bed. Entirely naked.

I smiled and also climbed out of bed and put on a simple dress. Peter then came back and got changed before picking up a packed bag.

"I wish you don't have to go." I said as i hugged him. He dropped his bag and returned it.

"Me too, love." I pulled back and sighed.

"I love you, okay? So don't go doing anything stupid." We kissed again and he left.

*end of flashback*

I gazed at his face feeling my heart rate quicken. Peter seemed to have felt it and woken up.

He looked down at me and smiled.

"Goodmorning." I felt myself grin.
"Goodmorning!" I chirped.
He smiled and cupped my face.

"Did you remember anything?" I smiled at him and nodded.

"Yeah. We were talking about starting a family after we- hm. Yeah and then you went away, for a mission?" He nodded and he averted his eyes. I could tell he'd be blushing.

"Well, at least its progress." He mused with a smile.  I returned it and took his hand.

"I will get my memories back. Also, i called you my hero of a husband." He smiled warmly.

"You always called me that after we got married you wouldn't stop. You enjoyed the sound of it." I smiled knowing that's exactly what i'd do.

Colossus then climbed out of bed and I sat up. I didn't like the lack of heat beside me but we'd be told off if they realized he slept beside me.

The doctor entered on his usual rounds and smiled at us before asking questions.

"So mrs Rasputin, how are you feeling?" I smiled.

"I'm feeling good. It's like i was never shot at all." He smiled and wrote it down.

"Any headaches or muscle pains after your wounds were stitched?" I shook my head and he smiled.

"Then it looks like everything's in order for you to leave." He smiled and unhooked me from the IV drip and a nurse then entered with clean clothes for me.

I nodded a thanks and they left. I then realized that i'd struggle to get dressed with the amount of bandages around my shoulder.

Colossus had turned his back on me at this point believing i'd be uncomfortable dressing in front of him.

I sighed and put on my underwear and trousers. I groaned as i struggled with my shirt.

"Peter?" He turned at his name and chuckled at the sight of me. He smiled and gently untangled my arm and pushed it through the arm hole.

I then quickly put on my shoes and took his hand.

"Lets go home." He nodded and we left. I felt my heart leap now that we were out of that creepy hospital. I looked to peter and noticed a rather glum expression on his face. I stopped.

"Peter, what's wrong?" He smiled and gazed at me.

"I wasn't expecting this to happen the week before our anniversary. That's all." He cupped my cheek and i leaned into his touch. "Even though you don't remember me, you still lean in to me and- i don't know if it's pity or-"

"It's not. I don't know why but it feels natural. I like this." I smiled and rubbed over his hand with my thumb. "it may not be ideal the week before our anniversary but i know we'll make it. i want to be able to hold your hand and feel completely in love with you again." i said honestly and we began walking to the mansion side by side. 

"welcome back." Ellie said with a small smile before sighing. "Xavier needs to talk to you y/n. about what happened." i nodded and peter looked down at me worried. 

"do you want me to go with you?" i shook my head with a smile. 

"it'll only take a few minutes." i replied and reluctantly let go of his big warm hand. 

i went to knock.

"come in." i opened the door and sat opposite him. "so, you believe that a C.M.D formula was used to remove your memories of piotr?" i nodded.

"yes. it makes sense, doesn't it? i remember everything recent,going after dreadgorn fighting him, everything. i just can't remember much about peter." 

"your memories have come back?" i nodded.

"only one so far." he sighed. i could tell he was reading my mind to see what the flashback was and he nodded and sighed.

"well, i'd hate to be the one that tells you this but you found out a few weeks ago that you're two months pregnant." i took in a deep breath.

"was the baby hurt? did the doctors say anything?" he nodded. 

"negasonic was told by the doctor whilst piotr ran in to see you. your baby's fine. however, thanks to colossus' quick thinking, he got you there quick enough for them to resuscitate you and your child. " i nodded taking it all in. "and no, Piotr doesn't know anything about it. you were planning on telling him on wednesday next week. that's your anniversary if you didn't know." i nodded.

"thank you Xavier. am i still able to go on missions?"

"no. with your head and arm injuries, you need to take it easy. for you and your child." i nodded and sighed. 

"right, i'll see if i can find peter. thank you again." he nodded and i left. i then walked to my room in the academy and smiled as i heard someone in there humming to himself.


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