Chapter 13

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Y/N pov

My head went hazy as Wade and Pietro told me the news.

"H-how can he be shot? Is he okay?! Where is he?!" I exclaimed sitting up to climb out of bed when Wade pushed me down.

"You need to rest. He's okay, they're all okay. We just- missed a shooter with a machine gun on the roof outside the window." Pietro said trying to calm me down.

"I got him."

B/n then started crying and I sighed before feeding him with his bottle.

"I need to see Peter. Wade, he's my husband. How bad did he-"

"He took a few shots. One in the arm, one scraped his abdomen another went through the ear. They aren't major injuries." My eyes watered.

"Thanks." I said before leaning back. "I just- I can't believe they were able to create a bullet that could kill him. I- I wish I stopped him."

"You couldn't have known y/n." pietro reasoned "besides, it's all over now! we've caught the bad guys. trust me, they're not going to bother you anytime soon." i smiled and Negasonic walked in with a bandaged shoulder. 

"hey y/n. how're you and  ( son name) holding up?" she asked and i sat up slightly. 

"we're fine. but the real question is how're you? you could have been killed and you're only a teen. you shouldn't have joined that fight, you-"

"I'm fine mom." she joked and i smiled slightly. "really, though Wade could have shot the guy a little quicker."

"hey! it's not my fault, beast was in the way of my shot!" she rolled her eyes and I chuckled. 

some things will never change. 

"i need to change. I've stayed over night like the doctor ordered. now I can go see Peter." they all sighed and left the room. 

i gently swung my legs over the side of my bed before climbing out and pulling on my clothes over my now swollen empty bump. 

I then changed (son name)'s diaper before clothing him and leaving the room. The three of them began leading me to Peter's room.  

"I'm heading home. I need some sleep." Ellie said turning to leave with Pietro. 

I headed in with Wade and the sight of my husband bandaged up reading a book made me freeze in place. 

"y/n? wade?" i snapped out of my daze and sat beside his bed.

"hey Peter." i said softly, before i could register what was happening, he pulled me into a hug. 

"Мне жаль, что я волновался за свою любовь." he whispered into my ear in his native tongue.

"it's okay to worry Peter. I was worried about you too." he pulled away and kissed me gently before moving away.

Wade made a puking noise. 

"right, thats enough pda for one day, I'm out." once he was out of earshot, we both chuckled. I passed (son name) over and Peter gently cradled him in his arms. 

"Wade said it was  Lyra." i said and he nodded not taking his eyes from our son. 

"yes. after the police searched their hideout, they found everything. how your parents quit the scheme last minute telling you to run. how they brainwashed your grandparents. They had surveillance footage of us. If i left it a little longer-they-they could've-" he stopped and I held his hand. 

"we're stronger than we look. believe me, they'll never get that advantage again." he smiled at me. 

"i love you." i smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too."

A/N: i decided to give this mayhem a sweet ending and now, unfortunately, I don't really have anything else planned for this story. :'( 

thank you all for being so kind and supportive throughout the course of this story.

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