Chapter Three

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Back in the house, things were still just as bad and awkward as when I left. Girls were giving guys lap dances, joints were being passed around the couch, everybody was incredibly drunk and stupid acting; it was your typical graduation night party.

It took me awhile to find Cassidy, but when I did she was doing exactly what I suspected. Her and Thomas were in the kitchen mixing drinks and making out. I'll let you guess which one they were doing more of. When Cassidy saw me, her eyes lit up and she motioned for me to come over. When I did, she actually motioned for Thomas to leave. I couldn't imagine them spending a minute apart. It took them like ten years just to separate; he'd leave and then comeback for another kiss, and then he'd leave again, and come back again-I think you get my drift.

When he finally, actually left, Cassidy leaned in close. "So?" She asked, furrowing her brow and smiling uncontrollably.

"So..?" I teased, grabbing a handful of pretzels.

"Ok, I know you're blonde but you're not that dense." She joked. "Spill the beans!"

     "Well, there's not much to tell," I said turning to leave. "Except I think we might go on a date sometime. No big deal."

    "Yessss!" Cassidy shrieked. "I'm so happy for you!" She poured me a shot of whiskey, and some vodka for herself. She raised her glass. "To the best summer ever!" I clinked my glass with hers, but dumped the whiskey down the drain. She was too drunk to notice. "Now go have some fun," she screamed, pushing me to the mob hidden behind the thick cloud of smoke. "I've got to find Thomas!"

After a few awkward minutes of wandering circles around the house, I decided it was time to go home. I gave John a call, and I could tell he wasn't happy that I had woke him up at 2:47 in the morning, but he agreed to come get me anyway. I tried to find Cass before I left, but she was nowhere to be seen. She was probably in a bed with Thomas somewhere, so I just stepped outside to wait for my ride.

My lungs screamed with happiness when I breathed in the fresh night air. I had probably breathed in a dozen cigarettes worth of smoke, if not more. My throat burned like a raging forest fire, so I was relieved to find a bottle of water in John's mini van. Yes, my super macho brother drives a mini van. I always used to call him a soccer mom, but he didn't really appreciate that. "So how was the party?" He asked, after I had chugged the bottle dry.

"It was alright." I said. "There was lots of drugs and alcohol, and hook ups. Typical graduation party."

He snickered. "You're going to miss that someday." I groaned. I really wasn't in the mood for him to lecture me and be all sentimental. "I'm serious! Adulthood really isn't all it's cracked up to be. You have to change diapers, clean vomit, work all week, pay bills,"

"Oh and being a teenager is so easy?"

"I never said that, I'm just saying don't take this for granted, that's all."

"Well in adulthood do you have teachers 'accidentally' bumping against your ass all the time? Or everyone spreading rumours about you? Or having your lunch dumped over your face just because you look like 'you've eaten enough already?' Because if not then adulthood sounds damn good to me!" Tears were stinging in the corners of my eyes, but I aggressively wiped them away. Oh and as you can probably tell I hated high school.

"Lil, I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh just shut up!" I shouted. "Try thinking before you speak next time jerk." I was relieved as we finally turned up the driveway. I just wanted out of this damn truck.

"I wouldn't have to if you weren't such a sensitive bitch!" His jaw dropped and he was dumbfounded. "Lily, I...I never meant to say that. um, just.." I jumped out of the truck like it was on fire and bolted for the house. "Lil I'm sorry!" I heard him shout, but I didn't care. I didn't want to hear it. My blood was boiling. I slammed the door and ran upstairs to hide under my blankets. Even though he was my brother I never wanted to see him again. Ever!

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